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Measurement E170M157

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Experiment: e1e, 2002

Spokespersons: N. Markov

Experiment comment: Year: 2002-2003


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcb/sr
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π0p, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.45 GeV2
W : 1.7625 GeV
ε : 0.476281

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Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcb/sr
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Parameter (X axis): φ, degree

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Measured data:

Data errors,
154.158 7.5 0.231622 0.0745384
154.158 22.5 0.228744 0.0739889
154.158 37.5 0.208938 0.0695777
154.158 52.5 0.21434 0.0701848
154.158 67.5 0.356027 0.147418
154.158 82.5 0.187538 0.0727121
154.158 97.5 0.202918 0.066299
154.158 112.5 0.171464 0.0686991
154.158 127.5 0 0
154.158 142.5 0 0
154.158 157.5 0 0
154.158 172.5 0 0
154.158 187.5 0 0
154.158 202.5 0 0
154.158 217.5 0 0
154.158 232.5 0 0
154.158 247.5 0.225381 0.165692
154.158 262.5 0.145066 0.0566395
154.158 277.5 0.266289 0.104436
154.158 292.5 0.353591 0.12
154.158 307.5 0.331574 0.105423
154.158 322.5 0.265141 0.0852704
154.158 337.5 0.246194 0.0778235
154.158 352.5 0.248184 0.0883974
134.427 7.5 0.25417 0.0876649
134.427 22.5 0.268826 0.0905888
134.427 37.5 0.24152 0.0842324
134.427 52.5 0.253749 0.159935
134.427 67.5 0.312444 0.0986399
134.427 82.5 0.311802 0.0943266
134.427 97.5 0.335526 0.0922904
134.427 112.5 0.305696 0.0881971
134.427 127.5 0.28596 1.76927
134.427 142.5 0 0
134.427 157.5 0 0
134.427 172.5 0 0
134.427 187.5 0 0
134.427 202.5 0 0
134.427 217.5 0 0
134.427 232.5 0.130002 0.294439
134.427 247.5 0.208846 0.0625614
134.427 262.5 0.295403 0.0840809
134.427 277.5 0.259904 0.0802176
134.427 292.5 0.272639 0.0930026
134.427 307.5 0.3824 0.147864
134.427 322.5 0.228325 0.0884106
134.427 337.5 0.204626 0.0744676
134.427 352.5 0.247999 0.0789878
120 7.5 0.241733 0.0692345
120 22.5 0.254824 0.0708343
120 37.5 0.255598 0.0982942
120 52.5 0.309535 0.101426
120 67.5 0.203156 0.0671175
120 82.5 0.304137 0.0730137
120 97.5 0.324025 0.0787198
120 112.5 0.313665 0.0896453
120 127.5 0.414012 0.172461
120 142.5 0.453854 0.135101
120 157.5 0 0
120 172.5 0 0
120 187.5 0 0
120 202.5 2.00386 3.45723
120 217.5 0.530524 0.160182
120 232.5 0.435921 0.409975
120 247.5 0.314763 0.08903
120 262.5 0.333143 0.0851169
120 277.5 0.30278 0.0840184
120 292.5 0.231947 0.0701614
120 307.5 0.252921 0.0848922
120 322.5 0.198225 0.0883962
120 337.5 0.232501 0.0750486
120 352.5 0.285788 0.0872251
107.458 7.5 0.325011 0.0783874
107.458 22.5 0.317899 0.0824741
107.458 37.5 0.284304 0.0800409
107.458 52.5 0.263869 0.0751898
107.458 67.5 0.374837 0.0844976
107.458 82.5 0.358923 0.0783359
107.458 97.5 0.423034 0.0768456
107.458 112.5 0.553269 0.174998
107.458 127.5 0.518452 0.110333
107.458 142.5 0.57435 0.0952296
107.458 157.5 1.60854 1.83971
107.458 172.5 0.269678 0.494612
107.458 187.5 0.451188 0.537119
107.458 202.5 0.759977 0.2379
107.458 217.5 0.631369 0.0996134
107.458 232.5 0.535402 0.145472
107.458 247.5 0.523867 0.170038
107.458 262.5 0.371891 0.0786681
107.458 277.5 0.385054 0.0756053
107.458 292.5 0.412912 0.0920492
107.458 307.5 0.346966 0.0865697
107.458 322.5 0.276921 0.0840161
107.458 337.5 0.283889 0.0721729
107.458 352.5 0.354156 0.0843524
95.7392 7.5 0.489356 0.39011
95.7392 22.5 0.329637 0.0663714
95.7392 37.5 0.525174 0.130021
95.7392 52.5 0.550653 0.103133
95.7392 67.5 0.462134 0.0802106
95.7392 82.5 0.439296 0.0688028
95.7392 97.5 0.55695 0.0973457
95.7392 112.5 0.492113 0.142725
95.7392 127.5 0.471656 0.0735601
95.7392 142.5 0.659018 0.0800032
95.7392 157.5 1.4242 1.2923
95.7392 172.5 0.745352 0.146745
95.7392 187.5 0.818546 0.145752
95.7392 202.5 0.719855 0.221613
95.7392 217.5 0.692674 0.0882286
95.7392 232.5 0.638885 0.107999
95.7392 247.5 0.758512 0.17208
95.7392 262.5 0.615383 0.100357
95.7392 277.5 0.582888 0.0899129
95.7392 292.5 0.492871 0.0754105
95.7392 307.5 0.373665 0.0778513
95.7392 322.5 0.392982 0.105967
95.7392 337.5 0.368371 0.0665253
95.7392 352.5 0.441451 0.423488
84.2608 7.5 0.817864 1.20735
84.2608 22.5 0.450733 0.0936282
84.2608 37.5 0.432388 0.0843235
84.2608 52.5 0.521116 0.0707956
84.2608 67.5 0.539799 0.0674078
84.2608 82.5 0.66908 0.0664933
84.2608 97.5 0.697334 0.0805524
84.2608 112.5 0.728968 0.127658
84.2608 127.5 0.731843 0.0787921
84.2608 142.5 0.931283 0.083865
84.2608 157.5 0.931065 0.30895
84.2608 172.5 0.930589 0.124284
84.2608 187.5 0.67065 0.0924707
84.2608 202.5 0.632628 0.14097
84.2608 217.5 0.94265 0.0846313
84.2608 232.5 0.739277 0.0726328
84.2608 247.5 0.93972 0.138285
84.2608 262.5 0.74333 0.0899423
84.2608 277.5 0.698704 0.0710684
84.2608 292.5 0.570356 0.0665724
84.2608 307.5 0.506906 0.0827916
84.2608 322.5 0.533041 0.0849271
84.2608 337.5 0.553484 0.0753796
84.2608 352.5 0.738324 1.1087
72.5424 7.5 1.00718 0.625754
72.5424 22.5 0.499586 0.0777541
72.5424 37.5 0.614971 0.0874674
72.5424 52.5 0.577766 0.0626701
72.5424 67.5 0.71207 0.0642971
72.5424 82.5 0.673709 0.0604023
72.5424 97.5 0.773932 0.0932701
72.5424 112.5 0.809978 0.112603
72.5424 127.5 0.7711 0.0648855
72.5424 142.5 0.728665 0.0593066
72.5424 157.5 0.84214 0.262101
72.5424 172.5 0.72228 0.0952599
72.5424 187.5 0.658724 0.0779248
72.5424 202.5 0.545574 0.103193
72.5424 217.5 0.753663 0.062142
72.5424 232.5 0.737063 0.0584198
72.5424 247.5 0.752672 0.107708
72.5424 262.5 0.875875 0.105357
72.5424 277.5 0.80029 0.0735332
72.5424 292.5 0.767967 0.0645589
72.5424 307.5 0.594991 0.0611455
72.5424 322.5 0.477896 0.0947795
72.5424 337.5 0.617709 0.0724365
72.5424 352.5 1.18224 0.469722
60 7.5 3.14591 2.41573
60 22.5 0.571474 0.222243
60 37.5 0.55077 0.0827549
60 52.5 0.723018 0.0623802
60 67.5 0.576471 0.0530605
60 82.5 0.683096 0.0801734
60 97.5 0.817961 0.110996
60 112.5 0.782314 0.10049
60 127.5 0.711614 0.0610337
60 142.5 0.727364 0.0645906
60 157.5 0.645415 0.148222
60 172.5 0.566287 0.0926727
60 187.5 0.683242 0.0851548
60 202.5 0.711453 0.13808
60 217.5 0.775356 0.0691491
60 232.5 0.765111 0.0658198
60 247.5 0.914305 0.120004
60 262.5 0.75938 0.0852226
60 277.5 0.705381 0.0619781
60 292.5 0.655515 0.0712992
60 307.5 0.607321 0.0629857
60 322.5 0.50907 0.0987776
60 337.5 0.561584 0.161982
60 352.5 0 0
45.573 7.5 0 0
45.573 22.5 1.61972 2.25534
45.573 37.5 0.930238 0.278439
45.573 52.5 0.588021 0.0819729
45.573 67.5 0.682252 0.0769336
45.573 82.5 0.647383 0.0772189
45.573 97.5 0.631822 0.0855398
45.573 112.5 0.688537 0.0772109
45.573 127.5 0.609729 0.0701357
45.573 142.5 0.604919 0.0634218
45.573 157.5 0.643697 0.129142
45.573 172.5 0.685266 0.105223
45.573 187.5 0.562122 0.0970859
45.573 202.5 0.591417 0.110878
45.573 217.5 0.686402 0.0683908
45.573 232.5 0.686155 0.0640583
45.573 247.5 0.648116 0.0729786
45.573 262.5 0.609433 0.0700348
45.573 277.5 0.662103 0.078385
45.573 292.5 0.559287 0.0575738
45.573 307.5 0.585679 0.110198
45.573 322.5 1.44087 0.738039
45.573 337.5 0 0
45.573 352.5 0 0
25.8419 7.5 9.0094 2.6732
25.8419 22.5 10.6711 7.69489
25.8419 37.5 10.4197 9.93418
25.8419 52.5 9.70159 9.1369
25.8419 67.5 0.84354 0.160839
25.8419 82.5 0.787234 0.141423
25.8419 97.5 0.64392 0.125478
25.8419 112.5 0.627682 0.0775464
25.8419 127.5 0.595508 0.0671015
25.8419 142.5 0.702644 0.0659574
25.8419 157.5 0.54763 0.0876461
25.8419 172.5 0.56391 0.0621815
25.8419 187.5 0.616266 0.0635093
25.8419 202.5 0.571034 0.109374
25.8419 217.5 0.639388 0.0551027
25.8419 232.5 0.660317 0.0717359
25.8419 247.5 0.611907 0.0880415
25.8419 262.5 0.816781 0.13233
25.8419 277.5 0.810007 0.143123
25.8419 292.5 0.863207 0.167444
25.8419 307.5 10.7928 5.79484
25.8419 322.5 8.7613 6.72876
25.8419 337.5 5.76927 2.34009
25.8419 352.5 23.5566 21.4406