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Experiment: g2a run CLAS data, 1999
Spokespersons: N/A
Experiment comment: Results are presented for 8 different binnings (4 Eγ binnings x 2 cos(θ)dcm binnings). Lower and upper limits of the Eγ and cos(θ)dcm bins are shown. Centroids of the Eγ bins are also shown.
Measurement comment: 0.55 < cos(θ)dcm < 0.65
Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcb/sr
Differential cross section.
Beam: γ, polarization: circular
Target: d (Z=1, A=2), polarization: none
Final state: π0d, polarization: none
Eγ : | 0.475 — 1.375 GeV |
Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcb/sr
Parameter (X axis): Eγ, GeV |
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Measured data:
GeV |
mcb/sr |
Data errors,
mcb/sr |
Systematic errors,
mcb/sr |
Full errors,
mcb/sr |
0.5219 | 0.086443 | 0.009164 | 0.001154 | 0.009236 |
0.54643 | 0.071118 | 0.004095 | 0.000734 | 0.00416 |
0.59836 | 0.045821 | 0.0023 | 0.000485 | 0.002351 |
0.64789 | 0.033726 | 0.001941 | 0.000403 | 0.001982 |
0.69826 | 0.030164 | 0.002173 | 0.000315 | 0.002196 |
0.74417 | 0.025456 | 0.001963 | 0.00026 | 0.00198 |
0.78862 | 0.02038 | 0.00192 | 0.000219 | 0.001932 |
0.8494 | 0.014932 | 0.000932 | 0.000151 | 0.000944 |
0.89955 | 0.010462 | 0.000697 | 0.000111 | 0.000706 |
0.95091 | 0.008025 | 0.000626 | 9.5e-05 | 0.000634 |
1.00283 | 0.005378 | 0.000471 | 5.5e-05 | 0.000474 |
1.05324 | 0.003198 | 0.000465 | 3.9e-05 | 0.000467 |
1.10114 | 0.002664 | 0.000311 | 4.9e-05 | 0.000315 |
1.1483 | 0.00188 | 0.000351 | 4.5e-05 | 0.000354 |
1.25355 | 0.00117 | 0.00026 | 1.2e-05 | 0.00026 |
1.34967 | 0.000796 | 0.000204 | 8e-06 | 0.000204 |
1.39917 | 0.000635 | 0.000178 | 4.3e-05 | 0.000183 |