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Experiment: g2a run CLAS data, 1999
Spokespersons: N/A
Experiment comment: Results are presented for 8 different binnings (4 Eγ binnings x 2 cos(θ)dcm binnings). Lower and upper limits of the Eγ and cos(θ)dcm bins are shown. Centroids of the Eγ bins are also shown.
Measurement comment: 0.6 < cos(θ)dcm < 0.7
Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcb/sr
Differential cross section.
Beam: γ, polarization: circular
Target: d (Z=1, A=2), polarization: none
Final state: π0d, polarization: none
Eγ : | 0.5125 — 1.1375 GeV |
Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcb/sr
Parameter (X axis): Eγ, GeV |
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Measured data:
GeV |
mcb/sr |
Data errors,
mcb/sr |
Systematic errors,
mcb/sr |
Full errors,
mcb/sr |
0.52803 | 0.079639 | 0.005109 | 0.00083 | 0.005176 |
0.56093 | 0.068782 | 0.008485 | 0.001056 | 0.008551 |
0.57555 | 0.049601 | 0.003214 | 0.000516 | 0.003255 |
0.60135 | 0.04098 | 0.002932 | 0.000382 | 0.002957 |
0.62389 | 0.033069 | 0.00259 | 0.000381 | 0.002618 |
0.64947 | 0.027897 | 0.00203 | 0.000254 | 0.002046 |
0.6751 | 0.029249 | 0.002946 | 0.000278 | 0.002959 |
0.70055 | 0.031024 | 0.002977 | 0.000299 | 0.002992 |
0.72729 | 0.029823 | 0.00271 | 0.000302 | 0.002727 |
0.74813 | 0.020917 | 0.002902 | 0.00022 | 0.00291 |
0.77487 | 0.024081 | 0.002531 | 0.000212 | 0.00254 |
0.79811 | 0.018952 | 0.002762 | 0.000206 | 0.00277 |
0.83274 | 0.018163 | 0.001793 | 0.000251 | 0.001811 |
0.84948 | 0.015012 | 0.001285 | 0.000135 | 0.001292 |
0.87601 | 0.011836 | 0.001002 | 0.000116 | 0.001008 |
0.90088 | 0.010386 | 0.00094 | 9.5e-05 | 0.000945 |
0.92304 | 0.008159 | 0.000828 | 8e-05 | 0.000832 |
0.95169 | 0.007949 | 0.000856 | 0.00012 | 0.000864 |
0.97443 | 0.006914 | 0.000807 | 6.4e-05 | 0.000809 |
1.00025 | 0.005709 | 0.000649 | 5.7e-05 | 0.000652 |
1.02274 | 0.004849 | 0.000652 | 6.4e-05 | 0.000655 |
1.05139 | 0.003448 | 0.000859 | 4.7e-05 | 0.000861 |
1.07563 | 0.002923 | 0.000472 | 3.7e-05 | 0.000474 |
1.10121 | 0.002479 | 0.000443 | 2.9e-05 | 0.000444 |
1.1226 | 0.001908 | 0.000399 | 3.8e-05 | 0.0004 |
1.14853 | 0.00215 | 0.000516 | 5.6e-05 | 0.000519 |