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Experiment: g2a run CLAS data, 1999
Spokespersons: N/A
Experiment comment: Results are presented for 8 different binnings (4 Eγ binnings x 2 cos(θ)dcm binnings). Lower and upper limits of the Eγ and cos(θ)dcm bins are shown. Centroids of the Eγ bins are also shown.
Measurement comment: 0.35 < cos(θ)dcm < 0.45
Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcb/sr
Differential cross section.
Beam: γ, polarization: circular
Target: d (Z=1, A=2), polarization: none
Final state: π0d, polarization: none
Eγ : | 0.5 — 1.225 GeV |
Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcb/sr
Parameter (X axis): Eγ, GeV |
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Measured data:
GeV |
mcb/sr |
Data errors,
mcb/sr |
Systematic errors,
mcb/sr |
Full errors,
mcb/sr |
0.5219 | 0.123499 | 0.009913 | 0.00138 | 0.010008 |
0.53089 | 0.11946 | 0.00694 | 0.001216 | 0.007045 |
0.56565 | 0.092635 | 0.006222 | 0.000928 | 0.006291 |
0.58468 | 0.07173 | 0.004301 | 0.000739 | 0.004364 |
0.61007 | 0.047006 | 0.002791 | 0.000476 | 0.002832 |
0.63879 | 0.038696 | 0.002726 | 0.000451 | 0.002763 |
0.6605 | 0.034978 | 0.002916 | 0.000353 | 0.002937 |
0.68451 | 0.034602 | 0.003673 | 0.000381 | 0.003693 |
0.71006 | 0.035903 | 0.003274 | 0.00035 | 0.003293 |
0.73639 | 0.029258 | 0.002517 | 0.000279 | 0.002532 |
0.7631 | 0.027762 | 0.003575 | 0.000301 | 0.003587 |
0.78531 | 0.024275 | 0.002269 | 0.000246 | 0.002283 |
0.80893 | 0.020344 | 0.004714 | 0.000189 | 0.004718 |
0.83751 | 0.019902 | 0.001439 | 0.000234 | 0.001458 |
0.86174 | 0.015592 | 0.001241 | 0.000157 | 0.001251 |
0.88706 | 0.014272 | 0.001104 | 0.000147 | 0.001114 |
0.91207 | 0.01198 | 0.000975 | 0.00012 | 0.000983 |
0.93544 | 0.009816 | 0.001023 | 9.3e-05 | 0.001027 |
0.96238 | 0.008887 | 0.000826 | 9.5e-05 | 0.000832 |
0.99083 | 0.007897 | 0.000796 | 8.1e-05 | 0.0008 |
1.0154 | 0.005741 | 0.000662 | 6e-05 | 0.000665 |
1.03365 | 0.006983 | 0.001156 | 7.1e-05 | 0.001158 |
1.06555 | 0.004027 | 0.000674 | 4.1e-05 | 0.000675 |
1.08628 | 0.003424 | 0.000547 | 4.1e-05 | 0.000549 |
1.11228 | 0.003638 | 0.000475 | 4.3e-05 | 0.000477 |
1.13585 | 0.003235 | 0.000665 | 4e-05 | 0.000666 |
1.16271 | 0.00162 | 0.000466 | 1.5e-05 | 0.000466 |
1.18467 | 0.002417 | 0.000654 | 2.2e-05 | 0.000655 |
1.2086 | 0.001874 | 0.000548 | 0.000195 | 0.000581 |