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Experiment: g11, 2005
Spokespersons: E. Golovach
No publications available for this experiment
Quantity measured: dσ/dM(π+,π−), mcb/GeV
Differential cross section, where M(π+,π−) is invariant mass of π+ and π−.
Beam: γ, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+π−p, polarization: none
W : | 1.6375 GeV |
Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dM(π+,π−), mcb/GeV
Parameter (X axis): M(π+,π−), GeV |
Click here to get data in text file, delimited with tabs.
Measured data:
GeV |
mcb/GeV |
Data errors,
mcb/GeV |
0.273889 | 3.92799 | 0.120071 |
0.303427 | 82.0695 | 11.6739 |
0.332965 | 151.82 | 24.7579 |
0.362503 | 168.737 | 26.2216 |
0.392042 | 178.461 | 24.2564 |
0.42158 | 192.15 | 21.9184 |
0.451118 | 200.796 | 20.311 |
0.480656 | 209.296 | 18.373 |
0.510194 | 218.798 | 17.601 |
0.539732 | 228.692 | 17.6247 |
0.56927 | 231.672 | 17.1665 |
0.598808 | 232.788 | 16.5657 |
0.628347 | 240.776 | 18.3117 |
0.657885 | 249.402 | 22.7705 |
0.687423 | 153.429 | 12.8305 |
0.716961 | 5.32691 | 0.162833 |