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Experiment: g11, 2005
Spokespersons: E. Golovach
No publications available for this experiment
Quantity measured: dσ/dψ(π−), mcb/rad
Differential cross section, where ψ(π−) is out-of-plane angle of p and π+ in CMS.
Beam: γ, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+π−p, polarization: none
W : | 1.6625 GeV |
Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dψ(π−), mcb/rad
Parameter (X axis): ψ(π−), rad |
Click here to get data in text file, delimited with tabs.
Measured data:
rad |
mcb/rad |
Data errors,
mcb/rad |
0.224399 | 15.6783 | 2.44736 |
0.673198 | 15.6002 | 1.87247 |
1.122 | 14.1033 | 1.35157 |
1.5708 | 12.5245 | 0.852166 |
2.0196 | 11.2683 | 0.544681 |
2.46839 | 10.1062 | 0.661274 |
2.91719 | 9.3639 | 0.974191 |
3.36599 | 9.3639 | 0.974191 |
3.81479 | 10.1062 | 0.661274 |
4.26359 | 11.2683 | 0.544681 |
4.71239 | 12.5245 | 0.852166 |
5.16119 | 14.1033 | 1.35157 |
5.60999 | 15.6002 | 1.87247 |
6.05879 | 15.6783 | 2.44736 |