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Measurement E170M14

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Experiment: e1e, 2002

Spokespersons: N. Markov

Experiment comment: Year: 2002-2003


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcb/sr
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π0p, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.55 GeV2
W : 1.1625 GeV
ε : 0.872696

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Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcb/sr
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Parameter (X axis): φ, degree

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Measured data:

Data errors,
154.158 7.5 2.00445 0.120415
154.158 22.5 2.02492 0.138846
154.158 37.5 2.11887 0.119049
154.158 52.5 1.89513 0.107326
154.158 67.5 2.15271 0.119346
154.158 82.5 2.04288 0.110337
154.158 97.5 1.96814 0.105912
154.158 112.5 1.92192 0.11206
154.158 127.5 1.76639 0.117798
154.158 142.5 1.90297 0.127465
154.158 157.5 1.82904 0.144138
154.158 172.5 1.6941 0.116429
154.158 187.5 1.58739 0.11028
154.158 202.5 1.66068 0.119542
154.158 217.5 1.73487 0.110202
154.158 232.5 1.98872 0.137943
154.158 247.5 1.79554 0.109511
154.158 262.5 1.87426 0.111885
154.158 277.5 1.90198 0.0986511
154.158 292.5 2.07258 0.118973
154.158 307.5 2.04976 0.121354
154.158 322.5 2.00825 0.110678
154.158 337.5 1.84887 0.123556
154.158 352.5 1.93556 0.113784
134.427 7.5 3.49076 0.205166
134.427 22.5 3.58134 0.230632
134.427 37.5 4.04702 0.229471
134.427 52.5 4.33258 0.213937
134.427 67.5 4.2532 0.201409
134.427 82.5 4.63228 0.236818
134.427 97.5 4.60856 0.225188
134.427 112.5 4.51226 0.22966
134.427 127.5 4.45109 0.248341
134.427 142.5 3.90061 0.220404
134.427 157.5 3.65957 0.194836
134.427 172.5 3.80362 0.223263
134.427 187.5 3.34779 0.200498
134.427 202.5 3.51081 0.205698
134.427 217.5 4.33666 0.227695
134.427 232.5 4.55062 0.324082
134.427 247.5 4.39238 0.234449
134.427 262.5 4.57485 0.227734
134.427 277.5 4.8579 0.250935
134.427 292.5 4.64806 0.240837
134.427 307.5 4.39733 0.215498
134.427 322.5 3.74353 0.255281
134.427 337.5 3.69485 0.21777
134.427 352.5 3.21635 0.220365
120 7.5 4.56103 0.469572
120 22.5 4.54152 0.5991
120 37.5 5.01575 0.303209
120 52.5 6.09574 0.322647
120 67.5 6.7765 0.329331
120 82.5 6.76764 0.297276
120 97.5 6.90254 0.326491
120 112.5 6.7014 0.377702
120 127.5 6.11221 0.321891
120 142.5 6.33608 0.324658
120 157.5 6.00232 0.298478
120 172.5 5.18186 0.284629
120 187.5 5.50772 0.301936
120 202.5 6.18832 0.303198
120 217.5 6.17038 0.302993
120 232.5 6.72665 0.378097
120 247.5 7.16985 0.408627
120 262.5 6.79337 0.314815
120 277.5 6.77649 0.316966
120 292.5 5.96069 0.263847
120 307.5 5.61205 0.275591
120 322.5 4.84667 0.307061
120 337.5 4.71564 0.40805
120 352.5 3.97134 0.424314
107.458 7.5 4.81372 2.38162
107.458 22.5 5.44602 0.649587
107.458 37.5 5.89717 0.512097
107.458 52.5 7.30461 0.408498
107.458 67.5 9.20341 0.427914
107.458 82.5 9.00808 0.414941
107.458 97.5 8.78709 0.406125
107.458 112.5 8.49036 0.491251
107.458 127.5 8.60219 0.450052
107.458 142.5 8.34692 0.489655
107.458 157.5 7.52763 0.328417
107.458 172.5 7.25487 0.333206
107.458 187.5 6.82866 0.310087
107.458 202.5 7.54436 0.357989
107.458 217.5 8.02781 0.382553
107.458 232.5 8.84763 0.483295
107.458 247.5 9.1375 0.479898
107.458 262.5 8.57582 0.411886
107.458 277.5 8.69556 0.354427
107.458 292.5 7.61289 0.364847
107.458 307.5 6.94192 0.361071
107.458 322.5 5.60504 0.403634
107.458 337.5 5.31 0.415777
107.458 352.5 4.55256 1.04533
95.7392 7.5 4.73893 1.50427
95.7392 22.5 5.78582 0.843741
95.7392 37.5 5.98056 0.893691
95.7392 52.5 7.40885 0.41859
95.7392 67.5 8.26039 0.358647
95.7392 82.5 9.98834 0.501858
95.7392 97.5 9.44796 0.437466
95.7392 112.5 9.53609 0.592522
95.7392 127.5 9.35903 0.509283
95.7392 142.5 10.2526 0.449314
95.7392 157.5 9.00818 0.420114
95.7392 172.5 8.78494 0.432182
95.7392 187.5 8.65962 0.399395
95.7392 202.5 9.45187 0.463267
95.7392 217.5 9.71775 0.592338
95.7392 232.5 10.6949 0.635157
95.7392 247.5 9.94637 0.629209
95.7392 262.5 9.77123 0.414438
95.7392 277.5 9.54664 0.394368
95.7392 292.5 8.76612 0.398859
95.7392 307.5 7.45237 0.474342
95.7392 322.5 6.26938 0.640726
95.7392 337.5 5.22662 0.590871
95.7392 352.5 5.55 1.59151
84.2608 7.5 4.98402 1.53028
84.2608 22.5 5.65886 0.914067
84.2608 37.5 6.32278 0.894084
84.2608 52.5 7.347 0.83831
84.2608 67.5 8.78471 0.424288
84.2608 82.5 9.6074 0.426204
84.2608 97.5 9.7235 0.53237
84.2608 112.5 10.4979 0.630748
84.2608 127.5 9.41172 0.574138
84.2608 142.5 10.0983 0.468603
84.2608 157.5 9.7279 0.463869
84.2608 172.5 8.86952 0.42829
84.2608 187.5 9.72375 0.519853
84.2608 202.5 10.1134 0.452753
84.2608 217.5 9.58634 0.490532
84.2608 232.5 10.2354 0.61171
84.2608 247.5 10.3901 0.670202
84.2608 262.5 8.99851 0.451496
84.2608 277.5 10.2607 0.433595
84.2608 292.5 8.88175 0.433064
84.2608 307.5 8.09198 0.789271
84.2608 322.5 6.27727 0.804531
84.2608 337.5 5.00293 0.71531
84.2608 352.5 4.66627 1.32242
72.5424 7.5 4.57796 0.76027
72.5424 22.5 5.00339 0.756059
72.5424 37.5 5.70034 0.954091
72.5424 52.5 7.22128 0.880634
72.5424 67.5 8.30147 0.415946
72.5424 82.5 9.01656 0.373689
72.5424 97.5 9.68124 0.46466
72.5424 112.5 9.67639 0.616464
72.5424 127.5 9.53685 0.687123
72.5424 142.5 9.50713 0.572923
72.5424 157.5 10.046 0.442483
72.5424 172.5 9.44162 0.441309
72.5424 187.5 9.81093 0.393592
72.5424 202.5 10.0211 0.43957
72.5424 217.5 9.38751 0.574171
72.5424 232.5 9.85522 0.58977
72.5424 247.5 9.474 0.618115
72.5424 262.5 9.61723 0.413714
72.5424 277.5 8.98741 0.421745
72.5424 292.5 8.22481 0.406218
72.5424 307.5 6.59805 0.593032
72.5424 322.5 5.54927 0.702135
72.5424 337.5 5.14932 0.766393
72.5424 352.5 4.72365 0.650319
60 7.5 3.73326 1.22555
60 22.5 4.50307 0.451591
60 37.5 5.13896 0.533677
60 52.5 6.04996 0.492656
60 67.5 6.48528 0.294633
60 82.5 8.32837 0.387652
60 97.5 8.3188 0.433242
60 112.5 9.59176 0.781355
60 127.5 8.41615 0.580131
60 142.5 8.78231 0.433354
60 157.5 9.23054 0.4712
60 172.5 9.00187 0.442039
60 187.5 9.21406 0.461331
60 202.5 9.69379 0.431817
60 217.5 8.4111 0.454941
60 232.5 8.96451 0.605517
60 247.5 8.29084 0.65287
60 262.5 7.68101 0.351836
60 277.5 7.46427 0.357838
60 292.5 6.89417 0.337638
60 307.5 5.55558 0.675279
60 322.5 4.69352 0.731492
60 337.5 4.27229 0.536895
60 352.5 3.39641 0.354964
45.573 7.5 2.81279 0.299385
45.573 22.5 3.32054 0.234263
45.573 37.5 4.0706 0.251179
45.573 52.5 4.18257 0.247577
45.573 67.5 5.07558 0.244731
45.573 82.5 5.91062 0.246214
45.573 97.5 6.3712 0.299031
45.573 112.5 7.63477 0.4363
45.573 127.5 7.1982 0.668279
45.573 142.5 6.75568 0.34802
45.573 157.5 6.63503 0.320136
45.573 172.5 7.67091 0.354052
45.573 187.5 8.07117 0.380691
45.573 202.5 7.14454 0.367849
45.573 217.5 7.39184 0.391714
45.573 232.5 7.28417 0.515029
45.573 247.5 7.15386 0.403346
45.573 262.5 6.4236 0.269934
45.573 277.5 6.19653 0.254306
45.573 292.5 5.19777 0.228447
45.573 307.5 4.93029 0.278902
45.573 322.5 3.69603 0.313171
45.573 337.5 3.15761 0.236923
45.573 352.5 2.84339 0.33316
25.8419 7.5 1.9077 0.119914
25.8419 22.5 2.06127 0.110817
25.8419 37.5 2.16208 0.133117
25.8419 52.5 2.6981 0.140443
25.8419 67.5 2.90425 0.121045
25.8419 82.5 3.10745 0.12754
25.8419 97.5 3.25943 0.148987
25.8419 112.5 3.59598 0.148295
25.8419 127.5 3.96702 0.242767
25.8419 142.5 3.6859 0.210896
25.8419 157.5 4.20144 0.250382
25.8419 172.5 4.30262 0.211342
25.8419 187.5 4.16235 0.242533
25.8419 202.5 4.45807 0.261401
25.8419 217.5 3.93859 0.237616
25.8419 232.5 3.74933 0.181349
25.8419 247.5 3.54852 0.189782
25.8419 262.5 3.37296 0.160281
25.8419 277.5 3.18942 0.149793
25.8419 292.5 3.14537 0.173164
25.8419 307.5 2.70935 0.142524
25.8419 322.5 2.13893 0.114803
25.8419 337.5 2.09457 0.130102
25.8419 352.5 1.85159 0.123184