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Measurement E28M182

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Experiment: g11, 2009

Spokespersons: M. Battaglieri

Experiment comment: -t variable bin width is +/- 0.5 GeV2 for all measurements.

Measurement comment: Differential cross section for the P-wave.


Quantity measured: dσ/dt, mcb/GeV2
Differential cross section over Mandelstam variable t.
Beam: γ, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+πp, polarization: none

W : 2.55 — 2.83 GeV
Eγ : 3 — 3.8 GeV

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dt, mcb/GeV2
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Parameter (X axis): -t, GeV2

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Measured data:

Data errors,
0.45 5.52 0.9096
0.55 3.19 0.5696
0.65 2.02 0.3802
0.75 1.421 0.2558
0.85 1.143 0.2078
0.95 0.8778 0.165