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Measurement E39M218

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Experiment: E1-5st-Sigma0 (E93-030/E00-112), 1999

Spokespersons: Mestayer, Hicks, Carman, Raue

Experiment comment: 5 structure function group analysis results for the K+Σ0 channel.

Measurement comment: Differential cross section were extracted by combining yields of the data pertaining to two different beam energies, 4.056 and 4.247 GeV.


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, nb/sr
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: K+ Σ0, polarization: none

Q2 : 2.55 GeV2
W : 2.15 GeV
ε : 0.242989

Select data slice:
cos(θ) =

Fit φ dependence:

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, nb/sr
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Parameter (X axis): φ,

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Measured data:

cos(θ) φ dσ/dΩ,
Data errors,
-0.6 -157.5 0 0
-0.6 -112.5 0 0
-0.6 -67.5 3.426868 3.028969
-0.6 -22.5 6.881015 4.300683
-0.6 22.5 3.447509 3.047214
-0.6 67.5 3.409059 3.013228
-0.6 112.5 0 0
-0.6 157.5 0 0
-0.25 -157.5 15.306527 13.529255
-0.25 -112.5 2.005118 5.492416
-0.25 -67.5 2.422994 2.141657
-0.25 -22.5 7.470586 4.176258
-0.25 22.5 1.497184 1.871487
-0.25 67.5 0 0
-0.25 112.5 2.420501 2.139454
-0.25 157.5 23.068172 16.648144
0.05 -157.5 8.364682 8.130452
0.05 -112.5 6.420593 5.483396
0.05 -67.5 0 0
0.05 -22.5 0 0
0.05 22.5 8.464731 7.392447
0.05 67.5 4.682792 5.723195
0.05 112.5 8.472507 4.097917
0.05 157.5 8.639338 7.736389
0.35 -165 6.765621 8.537794
0.35 -135 5.826447 11.076416
0.35 -105 13.763472 9.596211
0.35 -75 3.925502 12.392857
0.35 -45 15.48752 9.679908
0.35 -15 16.118511 14.247048
0.35 15 24.153418 17.431524
0.35 45 15.397692 9.623767
0.35 75 6.298717 10.781227
0.35 105 6.245173 10.475341
0.35 135 0.722065 9.171116
0.35 165 0 0
0.65 -165 13.250011 8.736197
0.65 -135 20.895357 15.315431
0.65 -105 16.919914 13.977808
0.65 -75 8.260248 17.510542
0.65 -45 37.787376 27.271431
0.65 -15 0 0
0.65 15 0 0
0.65 45 0 0
0.65 75 10.984191 12.765004
0.65 105 1.30677 12.920535
0.65 135 0 0
0.65 165 3.307203 12.138622
0.9 -165 72.815941 17.585855
0.9 -135 54.038464 19.701744
0.9 -105 0 0
0.9 -75 65.180748 36.442799
0.9 -45 0 0
0.9 -15 0 0
0.9 15 0 0
0.9 45 0 0
0.9 75 64.78698 36.222706
0.9 105 0 0
0.9 135 3.153244 18.342655
0.9 165 0 0