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Experiment: N/A, 0
Measurement comment: Fig.12 from reference.
Quantity measured: σ, mcb
Cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: ρ0 p, polarization: none
Q2 : | 2.5 — 2.8 GeV2 | |
W : | 2.09586 — 2.58305 GeV | |
Ebeam : | 5.754 GeV |
Observable quantity measured (Y axis): σ, mcb
Parameter (X axis): W, GeV |
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Measured data:
GeV |
mcb |
Data errors,
mcb |
2.09586 | 0.85603 | 0.257481 |
2.32207 | 0.597199 | 0.17567 |
2.58305 | 0.413481 | 0.120938 |