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Measurement E8M42

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Experiment: E89-038 CLAS experiment, 1999

Spokespersons: V. Burkert, R. Minehart

Experiment comment: Beam energy 1.515 GeV. Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty for all data points

Measurement comment: Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+n, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.35 — 0.45 GeV2
W : 1.44 — 1.46 GeV
Ebeam : 1.515 GeV

Select data slice:
θπ = deg

Fit φ dependence:

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
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Parameter (X axis): φπ, deg

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Measured data:

Data errors,
Systematic errors,
7.5 15 9.262 0.9163 0.712
7.5 45 6.2 0.7175 0.6869
7.5 75 7.015 0.8012 0.6896
7.5 105 7.136 0.7972 0.703
7.5 135 6.815 0.7404 0.7194
7.5 165 7.572 0.8584 0.7291
7.5 195 6.163 0.6543 0.7036
7.5 225 7.534 0.8146 0.7035
7.5 255 10.34 1.149 0.7905
7.5 285 9.204 1.094 0.7385
7.5 315 7.182 0.8347 0.6873
7.5 345 9.283 0.8458 0.8001
22.5 45 8.804 2.052 0.7818
22.5 75 7.789 1.027 0.7274
22.5 105 7.933 0.8702 0.7314
22.5 135 6.034 0.5284 0.6829
22.5 165 4.257 0.3603 0.6576
22.5 195 4.342 0.3672 0.6711
22.5 225 5.623 0.4998 0.686
22.5 255 7.152 0.8289 0.7239
22.5 285 9.001 1.186 0.7668
22.5 315 9.089 1.93 0.7213
37.5 45 7.662 0.6179 0.7175
37.5 75 8.723 0.4438 0.747
37.5 105 8.819 0.7769 0.7523
37.5 195 5.915 1.818 0.6627
37.5 255 6.929 0.885 0.7116
37.5 285 8.358 0.4269 0.7497
37.5 315 7.86 0.5482 0.7317
52.5 45 4.772 0.4858 0.4307
52.5 75 7.461 0.3535 0.495
52.5 135 4.534 0.6519 0.4203
52.5 165 2.8 0.1736 0.3935
52.5 195 2.966 0.1797 0.3949
52.5 225 4.824 0.5762 0.425
52.5 285 6.963 0.3371 0.4818
52.5 315 4.943 0.4622 0.4192
67.5 15 2.375 0.4376 0.3354
67.5 45 4.425 0.3338 0.3792
67.5 75 5.993 0.8793 0.4232
67.5 105 6.05 0.3454 0.4224
67.5 135 4.075 0.2669 0.3755
67.5 165 2.633 0.1569 0.3418
67.5 195 2.414 0.1494 0.3363
67.5 225 4.052 0.247 0.3644
67.5 255 5.886 0.3309 0.4136
67.5 285 6.967 1.122 0.4319
67.5 315 4.551 0.3655 0.3711
67.5 345 3.248 1.006 0.3526
82.5 15 1.473 0.3187 0.2425
82.5 45 4.551 2.016 0.2699
82.5 75 4.528 0.5325 0.3041
82.5 105 4.895 0.2287 0.3191
82.5 135 3.474 0.2263 0.2836
82.5 165 2.155 0.141 0.2542
82.5 195 2.446 0.162 0.2583
82.5 225 3.468 0.2317 0.2868
82.5 255 5.075 0.2159 0.3287
82.5 285 4.522 0.4079 0.3208
82.5 315 3.355 0.5892 0.2835
82.5 345 1.349 0.2725 0.2382
97.5 45 2.024 0.1424 0.2363
97.5 75 3.519 0.2544 0.2762
97.5 105 3.525 0.1921 0.2752
97.5 135 2.736 0.2054 0.2436
97.5 165 1.715 0.1404 0.2305
97.5 195 1.957 0.1663 0.2322
97.5 225 2.402 0.206 0.2409
97.5 255 3.324 0.1781 0.2631
97.5 285 3.315 0.2295 0.2613
97.5 315 2.128 0.1459 0.2294
112.5 15 0.6453 0.09795 0.1295
112.5 45 1.517 0.1382 0.1469
112.5 75 2.285 0.2146 0.1645
112.5 105 2.511 0.1724 0.1921
112.5 135 1.894 0.1531 0.1502
112.5 165 1.526 0.1386 0.1633
112.5 195 1.397 0.1267 0.1502
112.5 225 1.921 0.1504 0.1681
112.5 255 2.066 0.141 0.1721
112.5 285 2.391 0.2094 0.1856
112.5 315 1.351 0.1202 0.1456
112.5 345 0.7812 0.1572 0.1324
127.5 15 0.3762 0.07102 0.07111
127.5 45 0.7738 0.0972 0.1111
127.5 75 1.621 0.158 0.1371
127.5 105 1.647 0.1525 0.1386
127.5 135 1.392 0.1928 0.1255
127.5 165 1.335 0.226 0.1317
127.5 195 1.3 0.1908 0.1242
127.5 225 1.062 0.1193 0.1204
127.5 255 1.517 0.144 0.1366
127.5 285 1.87 0.1887 0.1528
127.5 315 1.283 0.1761 0.1319
127.5 345 0.5189 0.08563 0.07119
142.5 15 0.2427 0.06484 0.04441
142.5 45 0.617 0.1228 0.1887
142.5 75 1.011 0.1293 0.194
142.5 105 1.002 0.4126 0.197
142.5 135 0.9638 0.263 0.04596
142.5 225 0.7827 0.1443 0.1941
142.5 255 1.1 0.3599 0.198
142.5 285 0.9238 0.1474 0.1898
142.5 315 0.7372 0.1183 0.1896
142.5 345 0.2567 0.06499 0.04442
157.5 15 0.2602 0.1005 0.01582
157.5 345 0.2572 0.1335 0.1076