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Measurement E8M61

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Experiment: E89-038 CLAS experiment, 1999

Spokespersons: V. Burkert, R. Minehart

Experiment comment: Beam energy 1.515 GeV. Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty for all data points

Measurement comment: Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+n, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.45 — 0.55 GeV2
W : 1.36 — 1.38 GeV
Ebeam : 1.515 GeV

Select data slice:
θπ = deg

Fit φ dependence:

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
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Parameter (X axis): φπ, deg

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Measured data:

Data errors,
Systematic errors,
7.5 15 11.52 1.545 0.8691
7.5 45 10.8 1.562 1.02
7.5 75 9.731 1.325 0.8998
7.5 105 9.216 1.308 0.8727
7.5 135 7.947 1.067 0.8159
7.5 165 10.71 1.683 0.8417
7.5 195 11.25 1.992 0.9147
7.5 225 6.876 1.157 0.8228
7.5 255 8.195 1.241 0.8383
7.5 285 9.868 1.459 0.8877
7.5 315 13.99 2.245 0.973
7.5 345 10.65 1.525 1.013
22.5 15 10.51 1.455 1.129
22.5 45 8.529 1.382 1.055
22.5 75 9.003 1.481 1.085
22.5 105 8.365 1.042 1.043
22.5 135 9.012 1.706 1.069
22.5 225 7.588 1.67 1.104
22.5 255 7.298 1.001 1.054
22.5 285 10.79 2.906 1.101
22.5 315 8.254 2.307 1.054
22.5 345 7.676 1.005 1.076
37.5 45 6.73 0.6341 0.5998
37.5 75 8.336 0.7562 0.6132
37.5 165 4.913 0.6264 0.5556
37.5 195 5.025 0.932 0.5642
37.5 285 8.21 0.9102 0.6072
37.5 315 7.663 0.8527 0.5862
52.5 45 6.686 0.9056 0.5212
52.5 75 6.55 0.6868 0.5354
52.5 105 8.342 2.828 0.5304
52.5 135 5.354 0.4247 0.4943
52.5 165 3.866 0.2356 0.4598
52.5 195 4.303 0.2641 0.48
52.5 225 5.768 0.4277 0.5082
52.5 255 5.866 1.88 0.5293
52.5 285 7.498 0.8384 0.5084
52.5 315 6.408 0.7824 0.5184
67.5 45 3.766 0.4985 0.332
67.5 75 4.119 0.6321 0.3616
67.5 105 5.531 0.3151 0.3713
67.5 135 4.176 0.3198 0.3421
67.5 165 2.78 0.1886 0.3217
67.5 195 3.093 0.208 0.3245
67.5 225 4.128 0.3122 0.354
67.5 255 5.472 0.3027 0.3799
67.5 285 4.562 1.212 0.3642
67.5 315 4.132 0.6742 0.3563
82.5 15 1.047 0.1732 0.2129
82.5 45 2.345 0.5228 0.2317
82.5 75 3.185 0.2717 0.2535
82.5 105 3.753 0.2358 0.2757
82.5 135 3.129 0.2702 0.2604
82.5 165 2.551 0.2053 0.2343
82.5 195 2.947 0.2433 0.25
82.5 225 3.192 0.2746 0.2639
82.5 255 4.11 0.2532 0.2929
82.5 285 2.947 0.232 0.2593
82.5 315 3.258 0.8431 0.2595
82.5 345 1.414 0.2876 0.2166
97.5 45 2.151 0.2417 0.2159
97.5 75 2.26 0.2446 0.2243
97.5 105 2.449 0.1751 0.2317
97.5 135 2.17 0.2186 0.2169
97.5 165 1.891 0.1985 0.211
97.5 195 2.436 0.2384 0.2362
97.5 225 2.669 0.2627 0.2351
97.5 255 2.549 0.1939 0.2244
97.5 285 2.219 0.2205 0.2181
97.5 315 1.644 0.1605 0.2054
112.5 15 0.5084 0.1668 0.07351
112.5 45 1.094 0.1396 0.1401
112.5 75 1.625 0.2031 0.1542
112.5 105 1.632 0.1683 0.1504
112.5 135 1.479 0.1577 0.1529
112.5 165 1.298 0.1788 0.156
112.5 195 1.427 0.1796 0.1502
112.5 225 1.411 0.1553 0.1581
112.5 255 1.576 0.163 0.1633
112.5 285 1.536 0.2181 0.1469
112.5 315 1.024 0.137 0.1465
112.5 345 0.5736 0.1346 0.1298
127.5 15 0.2951 0.07516 0.04479
127.5 45 0.5442 0.1022 0.1998
127.5 75 0.7452 0.1263 0.2021
127.5 105 1.175 0.192 0.2154
127.5 135 1.109 0.2623 0.2096
127.5 165 0.9005 0.2145 0.2052
127.5 195 0.9939 0.1923 0.2116
127.5 225 0.9518 0.2051 0.2093
127.5 255 0.8872 0.1199 0.2057
127.5 285 0.7338 0.1368 0.2034
127.5 315 0.5151 0.08945 0.2009
127.5 345 0.2929 0.07826 0.04478
142.5 15 0.3822 0.1479 0.03676
142.5 45 0.2879 0.06737 0.03291
142.5 75 0.6736 0.1721 0.1361
142.5 105 0.5797 0.2763 0.131
142.5 135 0.5793 0.1472 0.1344
142.5 225 0.6293 0.1588 0.04912
142.5 255 0.6136 0.191 0.04827
142.5 285 0.3014 0.07142 0.03342
142.5 315 0.3504 0.08075 0.1265
142.5 345 0.2651 0.08663 0.03209
157.5 15 0.333 0.1264 0.04609
157.5 75 0.5669 0.2428 0.07155
157.5 315 0.2502 0.1489 0.0379
157.5 345 0.4606 0.1964 0.1957