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Measurement E8M75

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Experiment: E89-038 CLAS experiment, 1999

Spokespersons: V. Burkert, R. Minehart

Experiment comment: Beam energy 1.515 GeV. Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty for all data points

Measurement comment: Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+n, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.55 — 0.65 GeV2
W : 1.22 — 1.24 GeV
Ebeam : 1.515 GeV

Select data slice:
θπ = deg

Fit φ dependence:

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
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Parameter (X axis): φπ, deg

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Measured data:

Data errors,
Systematic errors,
22.5 15 6.715 1.096 0.8895
22.5 45 16.14 4.401 1.203
22.5 135 8.864 0.9543 0.9195
22.5 165 9.133 0.7909 0.9101
22.5 195 9.855 0.8135 0.9159
22.5 225 10.07 1.397 0.9076
22.5 255 7.933 2.522 0.8899
22.5 315 7.993 1.554 0.9109
22.5 345 9.358 2.277 0.8993
37.5 15 10.63 2.615 0.7517
37.5 45 11.27 3.425 0.7505
37.5 105 11.21 1.143 0.774
37.5 135 9.933 0.8007 0.7781
37.5 165 9.91 0.6536 0.741
37.5 195 10.73 0.7004 0.7908
37.5 225 10.39 0.8295 0.7734
37.5 255 9.316 0.9759 0.7326
37.5 315 6.659 1.546 0.7268
37.5 345 7.169 1.354 0.6925
52.5 45 11.46 1.512 0.8676
52.5 75 11.48 2.172 0.8166
52.5 105 14.16 1.036 0.8883
52.5 135 9.597 0.6964 0.8251
52.5 165 9.118 0.5547 0.8033
52.5 195 9.819 0.5795 0.8023
52.5 225 11.92 0.8778 0.852
52.5 255 10.37 0.795 0.821
52.5 285 10.36 2.906 0.7917
52.5 315 11.13 1.364 0.8771
67.5 45 9.975 1.951 0.837
67.5 75 10.71 0.7122 0.857
67.5 105 14.46 0.875 0.9086
67.5 135 13.26 0.916 0.9394
67.5 165 8.42 0.5458 0.8149
67.5 195 8.789 0.5433 0.8326
67.5 225 12.2 0.8382 0.8799
67.5 255 14.5 0.9104 0.935
67.5 285 14.41 1.096 0.9085
67.5 315 8.296 1.703 0.8219
82.5 45 14.08 6.987 0.9936
82.5 75 11.63 0.5938 0.9865
82.5 105 12.79 0.6697 1.003
82.5 135 10.38 0.7755 0.9719
82.5 165 7.48 0.5846 0.9281
82.5 195 8.783 0.6745 0.9514
82.5 225 11.53 0.911 1.012
82.5 255 13.25 0.7378 1.043
82.5 285 11.33 0.5726 0.9864
82.5 315 7.455 1.16 0.9433
97.5 15 5.698 0.7492 0.6073
97.5 45 8.801 0.6758 0.6575
97.5 75 11.01 0.6811 0.7263
97.5 105 11.43 0.6236 0.7239
97.5 135 9.242 0.7159 0.701
97.5 165 7.099 0.4699 0.6472
97.5 195 6.952 0.4859 0.6396
97.5 225 11.51 0.8388 0.7324
97.5 255 14.65 0.7593 0.837
97.5 285 10.44 0.6484 0.7226
97.5 315 8.655 0.664 0.6619
97.5 345 3.901 0.6092 0.5861
112.5 15 7.727 3.478 0.6161
112.5 45 9.189 0.6299 0.6553
112.5 75 12.07 0.9024 0.7481
112.5 105 10.85 0.6667 0.6998
112.5 135 7.102 0.6142 0.6076
112.5 165 4.702 0.4357 0.5868
112.5 195 5.354 0.5094 0.6037
112.5 225 8.096 0.6287 0.6437
112.5 255 10.81 0.5993 0.7119
112.5 285 10.4 0.7956 0.6768
112.5 315 8.266 0.5861 0.6306
112.5 345 5.038 0.8373 0.5798
127.5 15 6.977 0.8558 0.7767
127.5 45 7.358 0.607 0.7743
127.5 75 9.152 0.7735 0.8261
127.5 105 8.807 0.6727 0.8071
127.5 135 5.712 0.5863 0.7629
127.5 165 4.31 0.5731 0.7353
127.5 195 5.163 0.7738 0.7811
127.5 225 6.853 0.673 0.7899
127.5 255 8.647 0.6431 0.8016
127.5 285 9.866 0.796 0.8309
127.5 315 7.886 0.6596 0.7868
127.5 345 5.722 0.8043 0.7642
142.5 15 5.785 0.7584 0.5226
142.5 45 5.029 0.5646 0.5176
142.5 75 6.237 0.7914 0.5189
142.5 105 8.636 1.095 0.5795
142.5 255 7.126 0.9307 0.5615
142.5 285 6.821 0.7623 0.5534
142.5 315 6.894 0.8433 0.5399
142.5 345 5.164 0.6964 0.4961
157.5 15 10.68 3.422 1.15
157.5 315 6.29 1.962 1.028
157.5 345 7.382 1.732 1.029