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Measurement E8M77

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Experiment: E89-038 CLAS experiment, 1999

Spokespersons: V. Burkert, R. Minehart

Experiment comment: Beam energy 1.515 GeV. Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty for all data points

Measurement comment: Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+n, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.55 — 0.65 GeV2
W : 1.26 — 1.28 GeV
Ebeam : 1.515 GeV

Select data slice:
θπ = deg

Fit φ dependence:

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
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Parameter (X axis): φπ, deg

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Measured data:

Data errors,
Systematic errors,
7.5 15 14.38 3.634 1.396
7.5 45 8.482 3.379 1.428
7.5 75 12.29 3.084 1.353
7.5 105 5.688 1.646 1.331
7.5 255 13.89 4.153 1.433
7.5 285 15.07 4.532 1.397
7.5 315 19.39 6.481 1.487
7.5 345 13.4 3.75 1.304
22.5 15 9.682 1.149 1.036
22.5 45 15.43 3.276 1.165
22.5 75 14.11 3.44 1.099
22.5 165 8.327 1.615 1.042
22.5 195 9.654 2.069 1.056
22.5 285 16.05 5.132 1.167
22.5 315 11.64 1.994 1.113
22.5 345 8.825 1.08 1.054
37.5 15 9.288 3.608 0.7769
37.5 45 9.886 1.812 0.7889
37.5 75 9.091 3.508 0.7996
37.5 135 10.54 0.9383 0.8043
37.5 165 8.036 0.5338 0.7626
37.5 195 9.212 0.617 0.774
37.5 225 9.607 0.7753 0.7838
37.5 315 7.641 1.379 0.739
37.5 345 11.62 2.707 0.8213
52.5 45 9.252 0.8659 0.6762
52.5 75 9.892 3.46 0.6473
52.5 105 8.838 0.7681 0.6804
52.5 135 8.856 0.6942 0.6907
52.5 165 8.34 0.5135 0.6895
52.5 195 6.871 0.4672 0.6447
52.5 225 8.085 0.6025 0.6668
52.5 255 8.915 0.719 0.6826
52.5 285 7.754 1.689 0.6892
52.5 315 8.679 0.8365 0.6896
67.5 45 8.048 2.443 0.6547
67.5 75 7.061 0.8781 0.6137
67.5 105 8.046 0.5541 0.649
67.5 135 8.501 0.6528 0.6337
67.5 165 7.14 0.4573 0.61
67.5 195 6.653 0.4491 0.6215
67.5 225 6.854 0.5391 0.6338
67.5 255 8.238 0.5781 0.6437
67.5 285 9.533 1.643 0.6396
67.5 315 7.156 1.668 0.6232
82.5 45 4.617 1.1 0.516
82.5 75 7.014 0.4759 0.5602
82.5 105 6.861 0.4372 0.5544
82.5 135 6.821 0.6014 0.5672
82.5 165 5.523 0.5272 0.5294
82.5 195 5.404 0.4649 0.5267
82.5 225 8.304 0.7585 0.5824
82.5 255 7.634 0.4835 0.5741
82.5 285 7.304 0.4871 0.5688
82.5 315 4.002 0.8119 0.5134
97.5 15 1.305 0.3735 0.4321
97.5 45 4.915 0.4987 0.473
97.5 75 6.245 0.5226 0.5044
97.5 105 5.945 0.3928 0.5019
97.5 135 6.478 0.6326 0.491
97.5 165 5.072 0.4155 0.4725
97.5 195 4.418 0.3961 0.4686
97.5 225 6.765 0.6755 0.514
97.5 255 6.457 0.4544 0.5109
97.5 285 6.442 0.5232 0.4993
97.5 315 3.627 0.3862 0.4551
112.5 15 3.253 1.25 0.4322
112.5 45 3.938 0.3509 0.447
112.5 75 5.929 0.6604 0.468
112.5 105 5.37 0.4082 0.4674
112.5 135 4.435 0.4678 0.4559
112.5 165 3.425 0.4073 0.4364
112.5 195 3.819 0.4383 0.4559
112.5 225 4.118 0.4071 0.4418
112.5 255 5.447 0.4364 0.4695
112.5 285 6.678 0.7706 0.4947
112.5 315 3.608 0.3782 0.4388
112.5 345 2.548 0.9329 0.4262
127.5 15 3.486 0.9454 0.3176
127.5 45 2.889 0.3632 0.3185
127.5 75 4.077 0.4793 0.3426
127.5 105 3.546 0.4335 0.335
127.5 135 2.712 0.3726 0.309
127.5 165 2.566 0.4562 0.3183
127.5 195 3.357 0.8319 0.3409
127.5 225 2.917 0.379 0.327
127.5 255 3.339 0.3364 0.3269
127.5 285 4.017 0.4702 0.3508
127.5 315 3.428 0.4019 0.333
127.5 345 2.469 0.4236 0.3198
142.5 15 2.137 0.3804 0.3174
142.5 45 2.145 0.3369 0.3243
142.5 75 2.931 0.3922 0.3332
142.5 105 1.706 0.4665 0.3225
142.5 135 2.405 0.7817 0.1386
142.5 225 2.389 0.5516 0.3266
142.5 255 2.733 0.5874 0.3227
142.5 285 4.03 0.7033 0.3675
142.5 315 1.968 0.3419 0.3239
142.5 345 1.441 0.2985 0.3191
157.5 15 1.381 0.4138 1.112
157.5 45 2.643 1.054 0.1996
157.5 345 6.301 2.461 0.1998