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Measurement E102M86

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Experiment: E-89-039, 2007

Spokespersons: S. Dytman, K. Giovanetti

Measurement comment: Electron beam energy is 1.515 GeV.


Quantity measured: σ, mcbn
Cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: η p, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.3 — 0.4 GeV2
W : 1.49 — 1.61 GeV

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): σ, mcbn
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Parameter (X axis): W, GeV

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Measured data:

Data errors,
Systematic errors,
1.495 8.66 0.46 0.91
1.505 11.82 0.57 0.29
1.515 12.13 0.62 0.2
1.525 12.41 0.63 0.33
1.535 12.03 0.61 0.19
1.545 10.53 0.53 0.15
1.555 10.94 0.54 0.42
1.565 8.28 0.51 0.19
1.575 8.45 0.53 0.18
1.585 7.38 0.48 0.22
1.595 7.07 0.51 0.34
1.605 4.71 0.45 0.1