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Measurement E110M1

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Experiment: E5, 2000

Spokespersons: W. K. Brooks and M. F. Vineyard

Experiment comment: Data analysis done by J.D. Lachniet, a student at CMU.


Quantity measured: RGMn,
Ratio of e-n/e-p production from deuterium to measure the neutron magnetic form factor (GMn).
Beam: e, polarization: polarized
Target: d (Z=1, A=2), polarization: none
Final state: p n, polarization: none

Q2 : 1.13636 — 4.77273 GeV2
W : 0 — 1.095445115 GeV
Ebeam : 4.2322 GeV

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): RGMn,
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Parameter (X axis): Q2, GeV2

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Measured data:

RGMn Data errors
1.1364 0.3532 0.045
1.2879 0.358 0.0215
1.4394 0.4036 0.014
1.5909 0.3847 0.0093
1.7424 0.3867 0.0077
1.8939 0.3997 0.0064
2.0455 0.3822 0.006
2.197 0.3831 0.0064
2.3485 0.391 0.0069
2.5 0.4073 0.0077
2.6515 0.4222 0.0086
2.803 0.3996 0.0089
2.9546 0.3984 0.0096
3.1061 0.4069 0.0114
3.2576 0.3911 0.0121
3.4091 0.4081 0.0138
3.5606 0.4067 0.0149
3.7121 0.3964 0.0162
3.8636 0.4039 0.0187
4.0152 0.4481 0.0217
4.1667 0.3626 0.0206
4.3182 0.3567 0.0227
4.4697 0.4267 0.0329
4.6212 0.5371 0.0951
4.7727 0.5269 0.1246