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Measurement E8M15

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Experiment: E89-038 CLAS experiment, 1999

Spokespersons: V. Burkert, R. Minehart

Experiment comment: Beam energy 1.515 GeV. Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty for all data points

Measurement comment: Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+n, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.25 — 0.35 GeV2
W : 1.38 — 1.4 GeV
Ebeam : 1.515 GeV

Select data slice:
θπ = deg

Fit φ dependence:

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
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Parameter (X axis): φπ, deg

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Measured data:

Data errors,
Systematic errors,
7.5 15 17.07 1.427 1.32
7.5 45 13.34 1.315 1.14
7.5 75 13.55 1.296 1.166
7.5 105 17.15 1.675 1.216
7.5 135 11.63 1.208 1.087
7.5 165 11.98 1.349 1.148
7.5 195 13.55 1.501 1.141
7.5 225 13 1.305 1.126
7.5 255 14.47 1.439 1.145
7.5 285 14.51 1.405 1.172
7.5 315 13.57 1.424 1.173
7.5 345 16.01 1.349 1.208
22.5 15 13.24 2.629 1.099
22.5 75 9.966 1.798 1.053
22.5 105 12.57 1.625 1.079
22.5 255 12.08 2.331 1.055
22.5 285 10.99 2.202 1.157
37.5 45 10.52 0.63 0.8166
37.5 75 9.942 0.587 0.7941
37.5 165 4.117 0.2356 0.6791
37.5 195 4.947 0.2771 0.6912
37.5 285 11.12 0.6594 0.8046
37.5 315 10.44 0.6284 0.8042
52.5 45 7.383 0.9288 0.5672
52.5 75 8.731 1.075 0.6468
52.5 105 8.498 0.5736 0.5963
52.5 135 5.844 0.5029 0.5318
52.5 165 3.427 0.1786 0.4921
52.5 195 3.31 0.1719 0.4888
52.5 225 6.441 0.4529 0.5438
52.5 255 8.507 0.4784 0.6012
52.5 285 10.05 1.263 0.6445
52.5 315 7.494 0.9756 0.5659
67.5 45 5.045 1.179 0.462
67.5 75 7.159 0.931 0.5092
67.5 105 6.981 0.2763 0.523
67.5 135 4.534 0.3342 0.469
67.5 165 2.99 0.1664 0.4429
67.5 195 2.876 0.164 0.4378
67.5 225 4.526 0.3687 0.4687
67.5 255 7.168 0.2903 0.5366
67.5 285 5.885 0.5959 0.5131
67.5 315 4.983 0.7131 0.4698
82.5 15 1.37 0.4462 0.2382
82.5 45 2.484 0.2721 0.2554
82.5 75 4.691 0.3319 0.3131
82.5 105 5.12 0.2273 0.3281
82.5 135 3.739 0.4188 0.289
82.5 165 2.369 0.19 0.2576
82.5 195 2.163 0.169 0.2519
82.5 225 4.709 0.4674 0.3383
82.5 255 4.973 0.2243 0.3277
82.5 285 5.452 0.3554 0.3436
82.5 315 3.135 0.4983 0.261
82.5 345 0.8781 0.2355 0.2241
97.5 15 1.309 0.5952 0.1736
97.5 45 2.146 0.1513 0.1959
97.5 75 3.364 0.285 0.2406
97.5 105 3.492 0.2004 0.242
97.5 135 2.166 0.1801 0.2086
97.5 165 1.761 0.1407 0.1946
97.5 195 1.601 0.1352 0.1939
97.5 225 2.896 0.2429 0.2222
97.5 255 3.852 0.2093 0.2616
97.5 285 3.52 0.2823 0.2452
97.5 315 2.016 0.1418 0.195
97.5 345 1.293 0.3457 0.1771
112.5 15 0.5593 0.1219 0.1582
112.5 45 1.21 0.1174 0.1693
112.5 75 2.011 0.201 0.1939
112.5 105 2.017 0.1502 0.1971
112.5 135 1.989 0.3466 0.2051
112.5 165 1.412 0.2101 0.1796
112.5 195 1.544 0.2073 0.1773
112.5 225 1.814 0.4443 0.1911
112.5 255 2.083 0.1364 0.2007
112.5 285 2.075 0.2275 0.2026
112.5 315 1.281 0.132 0.1722
112.5 345 0.5218 0.09025 0.0897
127.5 15 0.2635 0.05513 0.06052
127.5 45 1.085 0.1465 0.1143
127.5 75 1.054 0.1183 0.1121
127.5 105 1.534 0.1723 0.1429
127.5 135 1.105 0.1364 0.1153
127.5 195 1.563 0.5926 0.07141
127.5 225 1.201 0.1897 0.1286
127.5 255 1.107 0.1261 0.1224
127.5 285 1.34 0.156 0.1313
127.5 315 0.8594 0.1133 0.11
127.5 345 0.3016 0.06565 0.06063
142.5 15 0.6668 0.2484 0.1485
142.5 45 0.3169 0.06913 0.05146
142.5 75 0.6693 0.09072 0.1427
142.5 105 1.006 0.4067 0.07123
142.5 255 1.728 0.7958 0.1016
142.5 285 1.007 0.1363 0.1659
142.5 315 0.9331 0.2765 0.1599
142.5 345 0.4032 0.08489 0.1342
157.5 15 0.3049 0.1085 0.03114
157.5 345 0.3552 0.09484 0.03443