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Measurement E8M33

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Experiment: E89-038 CLAS experiment, 1999

Spokespersons: V. Burkert, R. Minehart

Experiment comment: Beam energy 1.515 GeV. Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty for all data points

Measurement comment: Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+n, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.35 — 0.45 GeV2
W : 1.26 — 1.28 GeV
Ebeam : 1.515 GeV

Select data slice:
θπ = deg

Fit φ dependence:

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
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Parameter (X axis): φπ, deg

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Measured data:

Data errors,
Systematic errors,
7.5 15 16.25 2.319 1.624
7.5 45 15.39 2.035 1.578
7.5 315 16.33 3.167 1.593
7.5 345 14.79 1.965 1.609
22.5 15 14.77 1.093 1.057
22.5 45 15.53 1.683 1.065
22.5 105 16.81 4.164 1.105
22.5 135 12.63 0.8 1.059
22.5 165 14.36 0.8397 1.073
22.5 195 13.04 0.75 1.048
22.5 225 13.43 0.8601 1.05
22.5 255 10.22 1.431 1.068
22.5 315 15.39 1.878 1.1
22.5 345 14.33 1.192 1.104
37.5 15 9.275 2.583 1.186
37.5 45 12.15 2.089 1.224
37.5 105 12.85 1.128 1.241
37.5 135 12.62 0.6876 1.232
37.5 165 10.58 0.4875 1.219
37.5 195 12.04 0.5421 1.241
37.5 225 13.25 0.7415 1.251
37.5 255 14.22 1.17 1.26
37.5 315 12.37 3.099 1.251
37.5 345 10.63 2.227 1.215
52.5 45 12.29 1.007 0.885
52.5 75 10.02 1.003 0.8717
52.5 105 14.39 0.7977 0.9215
52.5 135 11.67 0.704 0.8623
52.5 165 9.442 0.4348 0.8119
52.5 195 10.27 0.4568 0.8332
52.5 225 11.34 0.6898 0.856
52.5 255 13.6 0.7853 0.9288
52.5 285 12.6 1.925 0.8614
52.5 315 10.65 0.7699 0.8412
67.5 45 7.409 1.246 0.6935
67.5 75 11.79 0.4979 0.7983
67.5 105 11.87 0.539 0.8157
67.5 135 10.68 0.658 0.7798
67.5 165 8.237 0.4337 0.7191
67.5 195 7.606 0.3854 0.7136
67.5 225 11.39 0.7129 0.7817
67.5 255 12.17 0.5396 0.8184
67.5 285 11.47 0.4926 0.7927
67.5 315 7.745 1.37 0.7233
82.5 15 5.278 1.578 0.5846
82.5 45 7.521 0.8423 0.6294
82.5 75 10.55 0.5043 0.6938
82.5 105 11.85 0.4944 0.7315
82.5 135 9.443 0.6018 0.6823
82.5 165 6.719 0.3812 0.6104
82.5 195 6.834 0.3989 0.6173
82.5 225 9.851 0.6537 0.6947
82.5 255 11.34 0.4501 0.7242
82.5 285 10.45 0.4559 0.6981
82.5 315 7.046 0.7567 0.6218
82.5 345 5.768 1.445 0.6182
97.5 15 4.796 1.226 0.5348
97.5 45 6.224 0.3575 0.5617
97.5 75 8.946 0.5442 0.6316
97.5 105 10.22 0.4417 0.6531
97.5 135 8.54 0.4843 0.6328
97.5 165 5.674 0.3313 0.5625
97.5 195 5.957 0.3707 0.5554
97.5 225 6.89 0.4102 0.5822
97.5 255 9.588 0.4016 0.6297
97.5 285 9.13 0.519 0.613
97.5 315 6.434 0.3789 0.5613
97.5 345 3.101 0.7435 0.5122
112.5 15 4.027 0.3912 0.404
112.5 45 5.257 0.3073 0.4267
112.5 75 7.981 0.5499 0.4896
112.5 105 7.715 0.3711 0.4911
112.5 135 5.868 0.4271 0.4429
112.5 165 4.86 0.4195 0.4182
112.5 195 4.504 0.3687 0.4263
112.5 225 6.212 0.4439 0.4566
112.5 255 7.538 0.349 0.4923
112.5 285 6.58 0.4622 0.4732
112.5 315 5.028 0.3088 0.4183
112.5 345 3.612 0.3401 0.3976
127.5 15 3.01 0.3414 0.4824
127.5 45 4.143 0.3099 0.4989
127.5 75 5.464 0.3908 0.5311
127.5 105 6.642 0.518 0.5523
127.5 135 4.183 0.4841 0.4991
127.5 165 3.224 0.7189 0.4888
127.5 195 4.176 1.931 0.4977
127.5 225 4.653 0.4261 0.5283
127.5 255 5.707 0.394 0.5361
127.5 285 5.714 0.4265 0.5274
127.5 315 4.33 0.3355 0.4994
127.5 345 2.729 0.3178 0.4805
142.5 15 2.751 0.3599 0.4088
142.5 45 3.778 0.5586 0.4257
142.5 75 3.958 0.3126 0.4314
142.5 105 3.667 1.159 0.4443
142.5 255 4.405 0.9273 0.4378
142.5 285 4.189 0.3938 0.4246
142.5 315 3.18 0.3584 0.4122
142.5 345 2.535 0.347 0.4023
157.5 15 2.417 0.3969 0.4404
157.5 45 2.386 0.6015 0.4515
157.5 315 3.091 1.131 0.4336
157.5 345 3.198 1.124 0.4377