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Measurement E8M48

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Experiment: E89-038 CLAS experiment, 1999

Spokespersons: V. Burkert, R. Minehart

Experiment comment: Beam energy 1.515 GeV. Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty for all data points

Measurement comment: Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+n, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.45 — 0.55 GeV2
W : 1.1 — 1.12 GeV
Ebeam : 1.515 GeV

Select data slice:
θπ = deg

Fit φ dependence:

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
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Parameter (X axis): φπ, deg

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Measured data:

Data errors,
Systematic errors,
7.5 75 4.42 1.94 0.7519
7.5 195 5.38 3.296 0.7515
7.5 315 1.599 0.6646 0.2204
22.5 15 2.227 0.6019 0.2761
22.5 45 2.927 0.9777 0.254
22.5 75 1.596 0.6038 0.2591
22.5 105 2.001 0.4203 0.2517
22.5 135 3.57 0.7206 0.2818
22.5 165 3.506 0.8821 0.2688
22.5 195 3.4 0.6972 0.2718
22.5 225 3.479 0.7809 0.2722
22.5 255 2.954 0.603 0.2718
22.5 285 2.286 0.5132 0.2677
22.5 315 3.796 1.182 0.2759
22.5 345 3.109 1.639 0.2744
37.5 15 2.606 0.5958 0.2872
37.5 45 4.211 1.533 0.3373
37.5 75 4.815 1.62 0.2908
37.5 105 2.371 0.4384 0.2714
37.5 135 3.021 0.5452 0.2836
37.5 165 2.363 0.3942 0.2743
37.5 195 3.277 0.5063 0.2866
37.5 225 3.82 0.5645 0.305
37.5 255 3.487 0.9722 0.3005
37.5 285 2.63 0.606 0.2917
37.5 315 2.378 0.5849 0.2955
37.5 345 1.986 0.5496 0.2618
52.5 15 2.509 1.091 0.2492
52.5 45 2.743 1.207 0.2348
52.5 75 2.594 0.7644 0.2464
52.5 105 2.584 0.5775 0.2481
52.5 135 2.733 0.438 0.2586
52.5 165 3.278 0.4876 0.2595
52.5 195 3.435 0.4438 0.2507
52.5 225 4.111 0.8039 0.2654
52.5 255 3.772 1.073 0.2557
52.5 285 2.322 0.8051 0.2301
52.5 315 1.65 0.962 0.2238
52.5 345 2.511 1.233 0.2274
67.5 45 1.888 0.5221 0.2427
67.5 75 2.564 0.5154 0.2545
67.5 105 3.389 0.7353 0.2778
67.5 135 4.42 0.8442 0.3238
67.5 165 3.271 0.5171 0.2682
67.5 195 3.584 0.557 0.2917
67.5 225 4.153 0.89 0.2821
67.5 255 4.642 0.8986 0.3015
67.5 285 3.024 0.4952 0.2629
67.5 315 1.584 0.5028 0.2401
82.5 45 1.959 0.3781 0.2188
82.5 75 2.362 0.3947 0.2268
82.5 105 3.551 0.8494 0.2343
82.5 135 3.714 0.7775 0.27
82.5 165 2.922 0.3353 0.2464
82.5 195 3.521 0.3841 0.2558
82.5 225 3.017 0.7954 0.2242
82.5 255 3.176 0.5097 0.2445
82.5 285 2.025 0.2953 0.2217
82.5 315 1.839 0.4005 0.2224
97.5 45 1.877 0.7778 0.197
97.5 75 2.09 0.3266 0.1941
97.5 105 3.038 0.4722 0.2224
97.5 135 2.924 0.582 0.2394
97.5 165 2.584 0.3758 0.1985
97.5 195 1.96 0.2818 0.1982
97.5 225 2.389 0.4489 0.1953
97.5 255 2.716 0.404 0.2095
97.5 285 2.808 0.4884 0.2195
97.5 315 1.769 0.5579 0.1861
112.5 75 3.547 0.734 0.2917
112.5 105 2.58 0.3738 0.2841
112.5 135 3.187 0.9207 0.2843
112.5 165 2.889 0.579 0.2891
112.5 195 2.887 0.567 0.3088
112.5 225 2.608 0.7342 0.2694
112.5 255 2.581 0.4016 0.2916
112.5 285 3.402 0.5406 0.2915
127.5 45 1.563 0.8937 0.5001
127.5 75 3.848 1.439 0.5244
127.5 105 4.267 0.8992 0.5352
127.5 165 2.405 1.14 0.2017
127.5 195 3.566 1.364 0.5295
127.5 225 2.319 0.933 0.2017
127.5 255 4.247 1.081 0.5331
127.5 285 5.61 1.947 0.5663