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Measurement E8M64

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Experiment: E89-038 CLAS experiment, 1999

Spokespersons: V. Burkert, R. Minehart

Experiment comment: Beam energy 1.515 GeV. Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty for all data points

Measurement comment: Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+n, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.45 — 0.55 GeV2
W : 1.42 — 1.44 GeV
Ebeam : 1.515 GeV

Select data slice:
θπ = deg

Fit φ dependence:

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
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Parameter (X axis): φπ, deg

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Measured data:

Data errors,
Systematic errors,
7.5 15 6.438 0.8984 0.7989
7.5 45 6.483 0.9133 0.7706
7.5 75 8.146 1.908 0.91
7.5 105 8.427 1.416 0.8365
7.5 135 9.251 1.359 0.9485
7.5 165 14.32 2.818 0.9918
7.5 195 7.037 1.075 0.8368
7.5 225 6.701 1.101 0.8312
7.5 255 5.93 1.011 0.8294
7.5 285 6.427 1.034 0.7862
7.5 315 6.378 1.058 0.7817
7.5 345 6.37 0.9199 0.8111
22.5 45 9.557 4.775 0.6187
22.5 75 5.753 1.024 0.5541
22.5 105 7.735 0.959 0.6231
22.5 135 4.237 0.5509 0.5339
22.5 165 4.877 0.5803 0.5237
22.5 195 3.823 0.4975 0.5277
22.5 225 6.017 0.7011 0.567
22.5 255 5.993 0.8592 0.5681
22.5 285 8.566 1.416 0.6063
22.5 315 8.166 2.46 0.6152
37.5 45 5.914 0.4929 0.7766
37.5 75 7.157 0.5575 0.7886
37.5 105 6.017 0.7493 0.7809
37.5 255 5.838 0.7383 0.7758
37.5 285 6.583 0.4901 0.7745
37.5 315 10.96 3.949 0.8889
52.5 45 4.68 0.5861 0.386
52.5 75 5.952 0.3875 0.4122
52.5 165 2.678 0.215 0.3469
52.5 195 2.937 0.2082 0.3541
52.5 225 2.66 0.3063 0.3584
52.5 285 6.324 0.4075 0.4322
52.5 315 4.738 0.5917 0.3785
67.5 15 2.719 0.4133 0.3049
67.5 45 4.34 0.4298 0.3322
67.5 75 5.39 1.372 0.3578
67.5 105 5.185 0.5082 0.3644
67.5 135 3.551 0.2931 0.3187
67.5 165 2.125 0.1582 0.2963
67.5 195 2.631 0.1808 0.3097
67.5 225 3.382 0.2617 0.3257
67.5 255 5.103 0.3319 0.3735
67.5 285 5.2 2.015 0.3536
67.5 315 3.844 0.4141 0.3339
67.5 345 2.42 0.3946 0.305
82.5 15 1.444 0.252 0.229
82.5 45 2.656 0.7507 0.2454
82.5 75 3.333 0.32 0.2833
82.5 105 3.374 0.21 0.2745
82.5 135 2.889 0.25 0.2506
82.5 165 2.06 0.1758 0.2366
82.5 195 2.223 0.1855 0.2405
82.5 225 3.419 0.2809 0.2696
82.5 255 3.455 0.2128 0.2728
82.5 285 4.068 0.4604 0.2859
82.5 315 2.333 0.3765 0.2542
82.5 345 1.897 0.3471 0.238
97.5 45 1.254 0.1803 0.1575
97.5 75 2.458 0.2642 0.1748
97.5 105 2.534 0.1824 0.1836
97.5 135 2.41 0.2324 0.1989
97.5 165 1.485 0.1934 0.1599
97.5 195 1.956 0.2394 0.1656
97.5 225 1.821 0.2055 0.1743
97.5 255 2.786 0.2039 0.2005
97.5 285 2.309 0.2237 0.1822
97.5 315 1.337 0.1694 0.1527
112.5 15 0.5614 0.1579 0.07753
112.5 45 1.166 0.1533 0.1229
112.5 75 1.441 0.1841 0.1267
112.5 105 1.605 0.1687 0.1443
112.5 135 1.469 0.1769 0.1304
112.5 165 1.019 0.1362 0.1126
112.5 195 1.649 0.2348 0.1398
112.5 225 1.764 0.204 0.141
112.5 255 1.698 0.1797 0.1323
112.5 285 1.84 0.2231 0.1397
112.5 315 1.153 0.1923 0.1153
112.5 345 0.6509 0.2978 0.1085
127.5 15 0.4108 0.1195 0.05311
127.5 45 0.7498 0.1183 0.1269
127.5 75 1.047 0.1663 0.1333
127.5 105 0.9099 0.1482 0.1321
127.5 135 0.8894 0.1518 0.1245
127.5 165 0.9479 0.1892 0.1256
127.5 195 1.173 0.4325 0.1303
127.5 225 1.601 0.5073 0.1485
127.5 255 1.168 0.2062 0.1432
127.5 285 1.033 0.163 0.1324
127.5 315 0.6778 0.1406 0.1226
127.5 345 0.3299 0.09162 0.05303
142.5 15 0.194 0.05869 0.03825
142.5 45 0.5077 0.1752 0.117
142.5 75 0.4361 0.07958 0.1112
142.5 105 1.07 0.3867 0.1209
142.5 225 0.6551 0.3243 0.04197
142.5 255 1.658 0.5293 0.1556
142.5 285 0.6876 0.1905 0.1144
142.5 315 0.4409 0.121 0.03978
142.5 345 0.2277 0.07258 0.03839
157.5 15 0.1289 0.05512 0.01479
157.5 345 0.3116 0.2206 0.02207