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Measurement E8M73

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Experiment: E89-038 CLAS experiment, 1999

Spokespersons: V. Burkert, R. Minehart

Experiment comment: Beam energy 1.515 GeV. Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty for all data points

Measurement comment: Global 5.8% scaling systematic uncertainty


Quantity measured: dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
Differential cross section.
Beam: e, polarization: none
Target: p (Z=1, A=1), polarization: none
Final state: π+n, polarization: none

Q2 : 0.55 — 0.65 GeV2
W : 1.18 — 1.2 GeV
Ebeam : 1.515 GeV

Select data slice:
θπ = deg

Fit φ dependence:

Observable quantity measured (Y axis): dσ/dΩ, mcbn/sterad
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Parameter (X axis): φπ, deg

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Measured data:

Data errors,
Systematic errors,
7.5 105 5.146 1.621 0.6229
7.5 135 6.831 1.935 0.5783
7.5 165 3.526 0.954 0.5543
7.5 195 4.484 1.136 0.5296
7.5 225 7.599 1.873 0.5726
22.5 15 2.202 0.7917 0.4862
22.5 75 5.692 1.993 0.5339
22.5 105 4.84 0.859 0.5134
22.5 135 7.187 0.913 0.5354
22.5 165 4.895 0.5448 0.509
22.5 195 5.262 0.771 0.5165
22.5 225 4.842 0.5839 0.5078
22.5 255 6.741 0.9194 0.5399
22.5 345 4.963 2.785 0.4913
37.5 15 4.873 2.246 0.5422
37.5 75 5.318 1.394 0.5398
37.5 105 6.196 0.7312 0.5533
37.5 135 6.992 0.6162 0.6043
37.5 165 6.679 0.5271 0.5833
37.5 195 7.027 0.5625 0.5808
37.5 225 6.774 0.6407 0.5872
37.5 255 6.369 0.7067 0.5758
37.5 285 6.021 1.892 0.5794
37.5 345 3.899 1.57 0.5236
52.5 45 4.975 2.172 0.6223
52.5 75 7.613 0.809 0.6567
52.5 105 8.119 0.7076 0.6431
52.5 135 8.422 0.7069 0.6532
52.5 165 7.199 0.4886 0.6289
52.5 195 6.924 0.4801 0.6246
52.5 225 9.021 0.7569 0.6846
52.5 255 9.838 0.8772 0.6769
52.5 285 7.858 0.7862 0.6469
52.5 315 5.47 2.683 0.6506
67.5 45 9.163 2.307 0.6743
67.5 75 10.01 0.6127 0.7033
67.5 105 10.81 0.7607 0.732
67.5 135 9.416 0.7234 0.7008
67.5 165 6.914 0.4923 0.6414
67.5 195 6.876 0.51 0.6376
67.5 225 9.296 0.7304 0.6832
67.5 255 11.15 0.8094 0.745
67.5 285 10.48 0.5972 0.6928
67.5 315 8.855 2.163 0.668
82.5 45 8 0.8389 0.6731
82.5 75 11.62 0.6043 0.7377
82.5 105 12.61 0.7383 0.7661
82.5 135 10.38 0.9198 0.7167
82.5 165 6.037 0.4984 0.632
82.5 195 6.234 0.5392 0.6473
82.5 225 8.98 0.8194 0.6934
82.5 255 12.1 0.7312 0.7792
82.5 285 11.58 0.6078 0.7446
82.5 315 6.51 0.7606 0.643
97.5 45 8.275 0.7804 0.696
97.5 75 12.26 0.7095 0.7437
97.5 105 13.11 0.795 0.7738
97.5 135 10.18 0.7831 0.7285
97.5 165 6.329 0.4546 0.6576
97.5 195 6.363 0.4487 0.6651
97.5 225 8.185 0.6616 0.6906
97.5 255 11.99 0.6896 0.7689
97.5 285 12.93 0.7443 0.82
97.5 315 8.045 0.7511 0.688
97.5 345 4.959 1.303 0.6459
112.5 15 4.992 0.9007 0.5725
112.5 45 8.909 0.6881 0.6483
112.5 75 11.65 0.9922 0.7136
112.5 105 10.59 0.6089 0.711
112.5 135 8.827 0.7075 0.6437
112.5 165 5.275 0.5727 0.5969
112.5 195 5.386 0.5133 0.594
112.5 225 8.496 0.6938 0.629
112.5 255 10.69 0.5936 0.6895
112.5 285 11.18 0.8738 0.7051
112.5 315 8.311 0.6376 0.6255
112.5 345 4.982 1.258 0.5525
127.5 15 4.586 1.097 0.5919
127.5 45 8.312 0.6911 0.6396
127.5 75 9.809 0.9123 0.6874
127.5 105 8.522 0.6247 0.6644
127.5 135 7.447 0.8004 0.641
127.5 165 6.627 1.144 0.6305
127.5 195 4.94 0.7118 0.6125
127.5 225 7.509 0.8127 0.6456
127.5 255 11.37 0.8342 0.7611
127.5 285 8.732 0.7966 0.6563
127.5 315 8.827 0.7619 0.6614
127.5 345 6.028 1.525 0.6139
142.5 15 5.884 1.02 0.6181
142.5 45 9.399 1.229 0.7231
142.5 75 7.712 0.8934 0.6722
142.5 105 7.141 0.9663 0.671
142.5 225 5.132 2.167 0.4353
142.5 255 9.525 1.506 0.6995
142.5 285 10.29 1.261 0.8028
142.5 315 6.28 0.7619 0.6324
142.5 345 6.193 1.245 0.6541
157.5 15 4.819 1.867 0.4342
157.5 45 5.906 2.618 0.4342
157.5 285 8.459 2.82 0.4342
157.5 345 10.76 3.82 0.4342