CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E101M94

Experiment: g2a run CLAS data
Year: 1999

Measurement comment:

0.8 < cos(θ)dcm < 0.9

Experiment comment:

Results are presented for 8 different binnings (4 Eγ binnings x 2 cos(θ)dcm binnings). Lower and upper limits of the Eγ and cos(θ)dcm bins are shown. Centroids of the Eγ bins are also shown.
Spokesperson: N/A
Reaction: γd → π0d
Polarization: beam (circular)
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
Eγ: 0.5 — 1.15 GeV
Y. Ilieva, B. L. Berman, A. E. Kudryavtsev, I. I. Strakovsky, V. E. Tarasov, for the CLAS Collaboration Evidence of a backward peak in the γ + d → π0 + d cross section near the η threshold // Eur. Phys. J. A43, 261 (2010)

Measurement data
Eγ, [GeV] dσ/dΩ, [μb/sr] uncertainty
0.52803 0.043885 0.003812
0.57673 0.033443 0.002566
0.62254 0.031548 0.002122
0.66946 0.034417 0.002686
0.7245 0.031411 0.002478
0.77803 0.021314 0.002129
0.83525 0.012501 0.001255
0.87509 0.008584 0.000751
0.9215 0.006966 0.000692
0.97571 0.003811 0.000456
1.0204 0.003074 0.000486
1.07684 0.002174 0.000389
1.11947 0.001951 0.000338
1.17191 0.00155 0.000411