CLAS Physics Database

List of all experiments available for public access

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Experiment title Year Spokespersons Final state
E93-006 CLAS experiment 2003 V. D. Burkert, M. Ripani π+πp
CAA Run E1C 2003 M. Osipenko, G. Ricco inclusive
EG2000 CLAS 2000 H. Avakian π + X
EG2000 CLAS 2000 H. Avakian π+n
EG2000 CLAS 2000 H. Avakian inclusive
E89-042 CLAS Experiment 2003 V. D. Burkert, R. Minehart π0p
E89-038 CLAS experiment 1999 V. Burkert, R. Minehart π+n
E-89-037 Electroproduction of the P33(1232) Resonance 2002 V. Burkert, R. Minehart π0p
EG1 2000 P. Stoler, V. Burkert, R. Minehart π0p
E1D and E6A runs CLAS data 2005 M. Osipenko inclusive
E99-107 CLAS experiment 2005 V. D. Burkert, R. Minehart π+n
E99-105 2002 M. Garçon, M. Guidal, E. S. Smith ω p
E89-004 Photoproduction of Hyperons 2005 R. A. Schumacher K+ Λ
E89-004 Photoproduction of Hyperons 2005 R. A. Schumacher K+ Σ0
E89-004 2005 R. A. Schumacher K+ Λ
E89-004 2005 R. A. Schumacher K+ Σ0
e6a CLAS experiment 2006 K. Sh. Egiyan, K. A. Griffioen and M. Strikman p n
g1c CLAS experiment 2006 K. Hicks K*0 Σ+
E04-021 CLAS experiment 2004 M. Battaglieri, R. De Vita, V. Kubarovsky K+ K+ Ξ(1320)
E04-021 CLAS experiment 2004 M. Battaglieri, R. De Vita, V. Kubarovsky K+ K+ Ξ(1530)
g10a CLAS experiment 2007 K. Hicks, S. Stepanyan φ d
e1-dvcs E06-003 2007 V. D. Burkert, L. Elouadrhiri, M. Garçon, S. Stepanyan π0p
Eg1b 2001 S. Kuhn, R. Fersch, P. Bosted inclusive
g11 2009 M. Battaglieri π+πp
CLAS Approved Analysis (CAA) of E1-6 experiment 2002 M. Osipenko π++X
G11A Run K+Lambda Data 2008 M. McCracken, C. A. Meyer K+ Λ
PR-03-113 2004 S. Anefalos Pereira K+Σ
g10 CLAS experiment 0 Wei Chen π p
g11a 2004 Biplab Dey, Curtis Meyer K+ Σ0
E2A run CLAS data 2010 M. Osipenko inclusive
e1dvcs run CLAS data 2011 H. Avakian semi-inclusive
E99-105 CLAS experiment for deep exclusive pi+ electroproduction 2005 M. Guidal, M. Garçon, E. Smith π+n
E99-107 2006 P. Stoler, V.D.Burkert, R. Minehart, M. Taiuti π0p
E1-5st-Lambda (E93-030/E00-112) 1999 Mestayer, Hicks, Carman, Raue K+ Λ
E1-5st-Sigma0 (E93-030/E00-112) 1999 Mestayer, Hicks, Carman, Raue K+ Σ0
EG1 2000 P. Stoler, V. Burkert, R. Minehart π0p
E99-107 CLAS experiment for generalized form factor near threshold 2005 V. D. Burkert, R. Minehart π+n
eg1b 2000 H.Avakian π++X
eg1b 2000 H.Avakian π+X
eg1b 2000 H.Avakian π0+X
N/A 0 π+πp
N/A 0 ρ0 p
g7a: Search for medium modification of light vector mesons off nuclei 2010 D. Weygand, C. Djalali, M. Kossov semi-inclusive
A comparison of forward and backward pp pair knockout in 3He(e, e'pp)n 0 H.Baghdasaryan, L.B.Weinstein, J.M.Laget ppn
e1-dvcs run CLAS data 2012 V. Burket, L. Elouadrhiri, M. Garson, S. Stepanyan π0p
Measurement of the Σ+ π Photoproduction Line Shapes Near the Λ(1405) 2012 R. A. Schumacher K+ Σ+ π
Measurement of the Σ0 π0 Photoproduction Line Shapes Near the Λ(1405) 2012 R. A. Schumacher K+ Σ0 π0
Measurement of the Σ π+ Photoproduction Line Shapes Near the Λ(1405) 2012 R. A. Schumacher K+ Σ π+
Differential Photoproduction Cross Sections of the Σ0(1385) 2013 R. A. Schumacher K+ Σ0(1385)
Differential Photoproduction Cross Sections of the Λ(1405) 2013 R. A. Schumacher K+ Λ(1405)
Differential Photoproduction Cross Sections of the Λ(1520) 2013 R. A. Schumacher K+ Λ(1520)
Beam-Helicity Asymmetries in Double-Charged-Pion Photoproduction on the Proton 2004 S. Strauch π+πp
E89-027 CLAS experiment 1999 L. B. Weinstein, R. A. Niyazov ppN
E-94-005 CLAS experiment 2006 L. Elouadrhiri π+πp
0 Curtis A. Meyer φ p
E93-017 1999 P. Rossi, E. De Sanctis p n
E91-008 2005 B. Ritchie η′ p
E89-032 1999 A. Stavinskiy ppX
? 0 M. Battaglieri φ(1020) p
? 0 M. Battaglieri ρ0 p
? 0 M. Battaglieri ω p
E99-107 CLAS experiment 2005 V. D. Burkert, R. Minehart π+n
E93-031 CLAS experiment 2000 E. Anciant φ(1020) p
E93-031 CLAS experiment 0 K. Lukashin φ(1020) p
E93-031 2002 B. Ritchie η p
e1b-c analysis 0 C. Hadjidakis, M. Guidal ρ0 p
E93-031 CLAS experiment 0 J. Yun inclusive
E91-023 CLAS experiment 1998 R. Fatemi inclusive
E93-017 CLAS Experiment 0 M. Mirazita p n
E89-036 CLAS Experiment 1999 K. Sh. Egiyan inclusive
Measurement of 2- and 3- Nucleon Short Range Correlation Probabilities in Nuclei 2002 K. Sh.Egiyan inclusive
Electron Scattering from a High-Momentum Neutron in Deuterium 2002 Sebastian Kuhn p+X
EG1B run 2006 Volker Burkert p+X
EG1b(E-91-023) 2001 V. Burkert, D. Crabb, R. Minehart inclusive
EG1b(E-93-009) 2001 S. Kuhn, G. Dodge, M. Taiuti inclusive
E94-103 2006 W. Briscoe π0p
g2a run CLAS data 1999 N/A π0d
E-89-039 2007 S. Dytman, K. Giovanetti η p
g7a: Search for medium modification of light vector mesons off nuclei 2007 D. Weygand, C. Djalali, M. Kossov ρ + X
E-99-105 2007 M. Garçon, M. Guidal, E. S. Smith φ(1020) p
Measurement of the polarized structure function for kaon electroproduction 1999 Brian Raue, Daniel Carman K+ Λ
E5 2000 W. K. Brooks and M. F. Vineyard p n
E5 2000 W. K. Brooks and M. F. Vineyard p n
E5 2000 W. K. Brooks and M. F. Vineyard p n
E5 2000 W. K. Brooks and M. F. Vineyard π+n
E1b(E-91-023) 2001 V. Burkert, D. Crabb, R. Minehart inclusive
E04-021 2004 M. Williams η p
E04-021 2004 M. Williams η′ p
g1c 2009 Michael Dugger π+n
E04-021 2004 M. Williams ω p
EG2 run CLAS data 2011 W. Brooks et al semi-inclusive
E-03-012 BoNuS: The Structure of the Free Neutron Via Spectator Tagging 2011 S. Kuhn, H. Fenker, C. Keppel, W. Melnitchouk semi-inclusive
e1-6a run CLAS data 2012 P. Khetarpal, P. Stoler, I. Aznauryan, V. Kubarovsky, π0p
E99-006,Polarization Observables in the 1H(\vec{e},e'K+)Lambda Reaction 2014 Raue, Carman K+ Λ
EG1-DVCS 2009 A. Biselli, L. Elouadrhiri, K. Joo, S. Niccolai p+X
Measurement of ep→e′nπ+ at 1.6<W<2.0 GeV and extraction of nucleon resonance electrocoupling at CLAS 2014 K. Park, V.D. Burkert, I.G. Aznauryan π+n
E00-112 CLAS experiment 0 Daniel S. Carman None
E1-DVCS: Cross sections for the exclusive photon electroproduction on the proton 2015 H.S. Jo, F.X. Girod, H. Avakian, V.D. Burkert, M. Garçon, M. Guidal, V. Kubarovsky, S. Niccolai, P. Stoler γ p
EG1b: Precise Determination of the Deuteron Spin Structure at Low to Moderate Q2 with CLAS and Extraction of the Neutron Contribution 2001 S. Kuhn, N. Guler, R. Fersch None
eg1bexlpim 2000 Peter Boosted π p