- Spokesperson
- B. Ritchie
- Year
- 2005
- Abstract
- Differential cross sections for the reaction gamma p -> eta_prime p have been measured with a tagged photon beam for incident photon energies from 1.5 to 2.5 GeV. Mesons were identified through missing mass reconstruction using kinemetical information for protons scattered in the product ion process. The data vastly increases the world data base for the reaction, as well as helping determine structural properties of the nucleon.
- Publication
- M. Dugger, J. P. Ball, P. Collins, E. Pasyuk, B. G. Ritchie, and CLAS Collaboration Eta-prime photoproduction on the proton for photon energies from 1.527 to 2.227 GeV // nucl-ex/0512019
- Quantities
- dσ/dΩ
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ID | Quantity | Beam | Target | Final state |
Q2min, GeV2 |
Q2max, GeV2 |
Wmin, GeV |
Wmax, GeV |
E68M1 | dσ/dΩ | γ | p | η′ p | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.935 | 2.249 |
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