e6a CLAS experiment
- Spokespersons
- K. Sh. Egiyan, K. A. Griffioen and M. Strikman
- Year
- 2006
- Abstract
- The reaction d(e,e'p)n has been studied with full kinematic coverage for photon virtuality 1.75 < Q^2 < 5.5 GeV^2. Comparisions of experimental data with theory indicate that for very low values of neutron recoil momentum (Pn < 100 MeV/c) the neutron is primarly a spectator and the reaction can be described by the plane-wave impulse approximation. For 100 < Pn < 750 MeV/c proton-neutron rescattering dominates the cross section, while delta production followed by the N + delta -> N + N transition is the primary contribution at higher momenta.
- Publication
- K.Sh. Egiyan, G.A. Asryan, N. Gevorgyan, K.A. Griffioen, J.M. Laget, S.E. Kuhn and CLAS Collaboration Experimental Study of Exclusive 2H(e,e'p)n Reaction Mechanisms at High Q2 // PRL 98, 262502 (2007)
- Quantities
- dσ/(dQ2 dPn) dσ/(dQ2 dPn dΩn)
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ID | Quantity | Beam | Target | Final state |
Q2min, GeV2 |
Q2max, GeV2 |
Wmin, GeV |
Wmax, GeV |
E20M1 | dσ/(dQ2 dPn) | e | d | p n | 1.75 | 5.5 | None | None |
E20M2 | dσ/(dQ2 dPn dΩn) | e | d | p n | 1.75 | 5.5 | None | None |
E20M3 | dσ/(dQ2 dPn dΩn) | e | d | p n | 1.75 | 5.5 | None | None |
E20M4 | dσ/(dQ2 dPn dΩn) | e | d | p n | 1.75 | 5.5 | None | None |
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