E89-036 CLAS Experiment
- Spokesperson
- K. Sh. Egiyan
- Year
- 1999
- Abstract
- The ratios of inclusive cross sections of 4He,12C and 56Fe to 3He have been mesured. Obtained independence (scaling) of these ratios on Q^2 and x have been used to extract the 2-Nucleon Short Range Correlation probabilities in nuclei relative to 3He and to deuterium.
- Comment
- In analysis the well known wave functions of deuterium and 3He have been used.
- Publication
- K.Sh. Egiyan, N. Dashyan, M. Sargsian, S. Stepanyan, L.B. Weinstein and CLAS collaboration Observation of nuclear scaling in the A(e,e') reaction at x_B.1 // Phys. Rev. C 68, 014313 (2003)
- Quantities
- R(4He/3He) R(12C/3He) R(56Fe/3He)
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ID | Quantity | Beam | Target | Final state |
Q2min, GeV2 |
Q2max, GeV2 |
Wmin, GeV |
Wmax, GeV |
E85M3 | R(4He/3He) | e | 3He | inclusive | 1.4 | 2.6 | None | None |
E85M4 | R(12C/3He) | e | 12C | inclusive | 1.4 | 2.6 | None | None |
E85M5 | R(56Fe/3He) | e | 3He | inclusive | 1.4 | 2.6 | None | None |
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