E1D and E6A runs CLAS data
- Spokesperson
- M. Osipenko
- Year
- 2005
- Abstract
- The inclusive electron scattering off the deuteron has been measured at Jefferson Lab with CLAS detector. The measurement covers the entire resonance region beginning from the quasi-elastic peak up to W ~ 2.7 GeV at four-momentum transfers Q2 from 0.4 to 6 (GeV/c)^2. These data are complementary to the previous measurement of the proton structure function F2 and cover a similar two-dimensional region of Q2 and x. Simultaneous determination of the deuteron F2 in a large x interval including quasi-elastic peak, for each fixed Q2, together with other world data permitted for the first time a direct evaluation of the structure function moments. Fitting the Q2 evolution of these moments with OPE based twist expansion we obtained a separation of the Leading Twist and Higher Twist terms. Observed Q2 behaviour of the higher twist contribution suggests a partial cancellation of twist-4 and twist-6 terms entering in the expansion with opposite signs. This cancellation found also in the proton moments is responsible for "duality" phenomenon in F2 structure function.
- Publications
- M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the Deuteron Structure Function F2 in the Resonance Region and Evaluation of Its Moments // hep-ex/0506004
- M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration The deuteron structure function F2 with CLAS // CLAS-NOTE 2005-013 and hep-ex/0507098
- Quantities
- F2
ID | Quantity | Beam | Target | Final state |
Q2min, GeV2 |
Q2max, GeV2 |
Wmin, GeV |
Wmax, GeV |
E12M101 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.325 | 5.325 | 1.6190115144603392 | 2.5182047927544544 |
E12M102 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.375 | 5.375 | 1.6372854087003652 | 2.523463190213036 |
E12M103 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.425 | 5.425 | 1.6138024560382989 | 2.506312650282034 |
E12M104 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.475 | 5.475 | 1.6111916114153793 | 2.4892391996620566 |
E12M105 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.525 | 5.525 | 1.641051937311883 | 2.4722366352331426 |
E12M106 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.575 | 5.575 | 1.6499024319180773 | 2.4339910734698353 |
E12M107 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.625 | 5.625 | 1.636496759500604 | 2.4384204943111394 |
E12M108 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.675 | 5.675 | 1.657024933746835 | 2.4215956039579143 |
E12M109 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.725 | 5.725 | 1.6319288669414704 | 2.4048189415824597 |
E12M110 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.775 | 5.775 | 1.652914008535114 | 2.388085304773632 |
E12M111 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.825 | 5.825 | 1.6390528868079883 | 2.3713896486852937 |
E12M112 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.875 | 5.875 | 1.6368743482425532 | 2.3547270737949035 |
E12M113 | F2 | e | d | inclusive | 5.925 | 5.925 | 1.6588630963792024 | 2.3380928143477653 |