CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E128M5

Experiment: E1b(E-91-023)
Year: 2001
Spokespersons: V. Burkert, D. Crabb, R. Minehart
Reaction: ed → inclusive
Polarization: beam, target (longitudinal)
Quantity: Γ1dextrp
Q2: 0.0496 — 2.92 GeV2
Y. Prok, P. Bosted, V. Burkert, A. Deur, V. Dharmawardane, G. Dodge, K. Griffoen, S. Kuhn, R. Minehart and CLAS Collaboration Moments of the Spin Structure Functions g1p and g1d for 0.05 < Q2 < 3.0 GeV2. // Phys. Lett. B 672, 12 (2009)

Measurement data
Q2, [GeV2] Γ1dextrp uncertainty syst. uncert.
0.0496 -0.0027 0.0049 0.0017
0.0592 -0.0032 0.004 0.0019
0.0707 -0.0037 0.004 0.0021
0.0844 -0.0043 0.0042 0.0034
0.101 -0.0048 0.0043 0.0035
0.12 -0.0053 0.0044 0.0041
0.144 -0.0057 0.0046 0.0049
0.171 -0.0058 0.0047 0.0075
0.205 -0.006 0.003 0.0064
0.244 -0.0062 0.0024 0.0067
0.292 -0.0057 0.0021 0.0067
0.348 -0.0046 0.002 0.0068
0.416 -0.0025 0.0019 0.0066
0.496 0.0004 0.0018 0.0064
0.592 0.0059 0.0016 0.0069
0.707 -0.0037 0.0054 0.0054
0.844 -0.0026 0.0071 0.0053
1.01 -0.0009 0.0064 0.0055
1.2 0.001 0.0059 0.0062
1.44 0.0033 0.0035 0.0056
1.71 0.007 0.0027 0.0057
2.05 0.0101 0.0022 0.0058
2.44 0.014 0.0017 0.0058
2.92 0.0187 0.0014 0.0056