CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E12M1

Experiment: E1D and E6A runs CLAS data
Year: 2005
Spokesperson: M. Osipenko
Reaction: ed → inclusive
Polarization: none
Quantity: F2
Q2: 0.325 GeV2
W: 2.4609672852414657 — 2.5105719871317542 GeV
x: 0.1045 — 0.1135
M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the Deuteron Structure Function F2 in the Resonance Region and Evaluation of Its Moments // hep-ex/0506004
M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration The deuteron structure function F2 with CLAS // CLAS-NOTE 2005-013 and hep-ex/0507098

Measurement data
x F2 uncertainty syst. uncert.
0.1045 0.27106 0.0023014 0.011837
0.1135 0.26374 0.0043258 0.011462