CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E12M12

Experiment: E1D and E6A runs CLAS data
Year: 2005
Spokesperson: M. Osipenko
Reaction: ed → inclusive
Polarization: none
Quantity: F2
Q2: 0.875 GeV2
W: 1.7972131706448844 — 2.4578409444282427 GeV
x: 0.2575 — 1.4905
M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the Deuteron Structure Function F2 in the Resonance Region and Evaluation of Its Moments // hep-ex/0506004
M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration The deuteron structure function F2 with CLAS // CLAS-NOTE 2005-013 and hep-ex/0507098

Measurement data
x F2 uncertainty syst. uncert.
0.2575 0.26311 0.0011465 0.014084
0.2665 0.25895 0.0011727 0.013815
0.2755 0.25309 0.001196 0.013459
0.2845 0.25117 0.0012527 0.013333
0.2935 0.25369 0.0013604 0.01345
0.3025 0.25085 0.0014701 0.013322
0.3115 0.24901 0.0015747 0.013195
0.3205 0.24034 0.0016061 0.012732
0.3295 0.23246 0.0016272 0.012324
0.3385 0.22318 0.0016226 0.011855
0.3475 0.21989 0.0016324 0.01167
0.3565 0.22138 0.0016719 0.011739
0.3655 0.22088 0.0017306 0.011744
0.3745 0.22643 0.0017886 0.012034
0.3835 0.22056 0.0017702 0.011716
0.3925 0.21043 0.0017041 0.011171
0.4015 0.19948 0.001664 0.010585
0.4105 0.18768 0.0016082 0.0099732
0.4195 0.16797 0.0015129 0.0089042
0.4285 0.16466 0.0015059 0.0087228
0.4375 0.16132 0.0015552 0.0085674
0.4465 0.15413 0.0015636 0.0081728
0.4555 0.14761 0.0015518 0.0078144
0.4645 0.15029 0.0016191 0.0079756
0.4735 0.14796 0.0016423 0.0078626
0.4825 0.1477 0.0016867 0.0078453
0.4915 0.15286 0.0017479 0.0081314
0.5005 0.15398 0.0017698 0.0081824
0.5095 0.16387 0.001871 0.0087388
0.5185 0.16506 0.0019209 0.008839
0.5275 0.18094 0.002047 0.0097441
0.5365 0.18546 0.002039 0.0099439
0.5455 0.20055 0.0021629 0.010852
0.5545 0.20608 0.0022492 0.011187
0.5635 0.20551 0.002238 0.011056
0.5725 0.20249 0.0022874 0.010886
0.5815 0.21575 0.0024423 0.011623
0.5905 0.19918 0.0023791 0.010742
0.5995 0.18529 0.002273 0.0099981
0.6085 0.1725 0.0021938 0.0092449
0.6175 0.15325 0.0020774 0.0080849
0.6265 0.14338 0.0020488 0.007581
0.6355 0.13069 0.0019584 0.0069038
0.6445 0.11145 0.001744 0.0058108
0.6535 0.10033 0.0017136 0.005269
0.6625 0.094108 0.0016108 0.004948
0.6715 0.08422 0.0015048 0.0043842
0.6805 0.075527 0.0014121 0.0039437
0.6895 0.068616 0.0013883 0.0035954
0.6985 0.064961 0.0013512 0.0034046
0.7075 0.056735 0.0012183 0.0029275
0.7165 0.054853 0.0012659 0.002878
0.7255 0.050799 0.0011737 0.0026328
0.7345 0.051912 0.0011919 0.0027247
0.7435 0.046179 0.0011196 0.0023944
0.7525 0.04586 0.0011354 0.0023883
0.7615 0.048134 0.0011498 0.0024943
0.7705 0.048351 0.0011499 0.0025064
0.7795 0.050773 0.001152 0.0026283
0.7885 0.046628 0.0011713 0.0024259
0.7975 0.051883 0.001249 0.0027005
0.8065 0.055975 0.0013154 0.0029225
0.8155 0.057808 0.0013239 0.003026
0.8245 0.062834 0.0013747 0.0032885
0.8335 0.065199 0.0014128 0.0034049
0.8425 0.070438 0.0014698 0.0036795
0.8515 0.080927 0.0016562 0.0042736
0.8605 0.086354 0.0017337 0.0045367
0.8695 0.10142 0.0019197 0.0053888
0.8785 0.10768 0.0019905 0.0057197
0.8875 0.12147 0.0021957 0.0064409
0.8965 0.1289 0.0022839 0.0068856
0.9055 0.14355 0.0024562 0.0076213
0.9145 0.15242 0.0026213 0.0080968
0.9235 0.16974 0.0028579 0.0090823
0.9325 0.1961 0.003197 0.010525
0.9415 0.20837 0.0033908 0.011194
0.9505 0.22058 0.0036008 0.011913
0.9595 0.23583 0.0038954 0.012771
0.9685 0.24851 0.0040748 0.013571
0.9775 0.26264 0.0043226 0.014282
0.9865 0.25335 0.0042819 0.013697
0.9955 0.25661 0.0043878 0.014022
1.0045 0.2539 0.0044394 0.013705
1.0135 0.23547 0.0042253 0.012658
1.0225 0.24493 0.0044294 0.013215
1.0315 0.23249 0.0042584 0.012578
1.0405 0.226 0.0041221 0.012115
1.0495 0.17839 0.0034222 0.0094346
1.0585 0.18273 0.0035633 0.0096727
1.0675 0.15824 0.0031851 0.0083431
1.0765 0.15118 0.0031555 0.0079495
1.0855 0.14632 0.003161 0.0077027
1.0945 0.10832 0.0025256 0.0056115
1.1035 0.12228 0.0028077 0.0063519
1.1125 0.098794 0.0024684 0.0051369
1.1215 0.086612 0.002314 0.0045129
1.1305 0.083953 0.0023367 0.0043757
1.1395 0.073474 0.0021051 0.0037801
1.1485 0.070943 0.0020989 0.0036442
1.1575 0.059918 0.0019063 0.0030875
1.1665 0.057254 0.0018941 0.0029547
1.1755 0.049042 0.0017101 0.0025262
1.1845 0.038533 0.001502 0.0019783
1.1935 0.040219 0.0015934 0.0020898
1.2025 0.037693 0.0015789 0.0019362
1.2115 0.038533 0.0016732 0.0019887
1.2205 0.031176 0.0013789 0.0016037
1.2295 0.024637 0.001175 0.0012606
1.2385 0.026747 0.0012925 0.0013708
1.2475 0.026507 0.0013401 0.0013637
1.2565 0.021037 0.0010688 0.0010614
1.2655 0.023215 0.0012607 0.0011928
1.2745 0.017709 0.0010388 0.00089779
1.2835 0.013489 0.00094297 0.00068328
1.2925 0.016435 0.0012746 0.00085212
1.3015 0.017099 0.0011561 0.00086948
1.3105 0.013664 0.0011092 0.0006994
1.3195 0.015861 0.0011415 0.00082431
1.3285 0.012038 0.00094598 0.00060604
1.3375 0.0099509 0.0007712 0.00050511
1.3465 0.01059 0.00084538 0.00053446
1.3555 0.010125 0.00086713 0.00050876
1.3645 0.010766 0.0010211 0.00054717
1.3735 0.0074293 0.00078221 0.00037769
1.3825 0.0104 0.00091425 0.00053168
1.3915 0.0087611 0.00085981 0.00044152
1.4005 0.0084609 0.00099219 0.00043133
1.4095 0.011022 0.0011052 0.0005797
1.4185 0.0066544 0.00079894 0.00033303
1.4275 0.0071777 0.00085822 0.00036571
1.4365 0.0048501 0.00060848 0.00024684
1.4455 0.0079208 0.00088852 0.00041332
1.4545 0.0075626 0.00095571 0.00038522
1.4635 0.0056103 0.00073444 0.00028518
1.4725 0.0058156 0.00075769 0.00029737
1.4905 0.0023916 0.00050648 0.00011988