CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E12M30

Experiment: E1D and E6A runs CLAS data
Year: 2005
Spokesperson: M. Osipenko
Reaction: ed → inclusive
Polarization: none
Quantity: F2
Q2: 1.775 GeV2
W: 1.7851050800599968 — 3.1235345161754533 GeV
x: 0.2215 — 1.2295
M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the Deuteron Structure Function F2 in the Resonance Region and Evaluation of Its Moments // hep-ex/0506004
M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration The deuteron structure function F2 with CLAS // CLAS-NOTE 2005-013 and hep-ex/0507098

Measurement data
x F2 uncertainty syst. uncert.
0.2215 0.28728 0.0010117 0.013761
0.2305 0.2833 0.00098697 0.013552
0.2395 0.28046 0.00091111 0.013401
0.2485 0.28246 0.00096558 0.013562
0.2575 0.27774 0.0010116 0.01332
0.2665 0.26839 0.0010357 0.012846
0.2755 0.25892 0.0010578 0.012349
0.2845 0.25948 0.0011239 0.012433
0.2935 0.25417 0.001165 0.012168
0.3025 0.25911 0.0012428 0.012444
0.3115 0.25662 0.0012759 0.012294
0.3205 0.25315 0.0013356 0.012123
0.3295 0.24158 0.0013286 0.011514
0.3385 0.24545 0.0013096 0.011729
0.3475 0.23427 0.0011202 0.01117
0.3565 0.2301 0.0011033 0.010976
0.3655 0.22711 0.0011102 0.010851
0.3745 0.21874 0.0010889 0.010482
0.3835 0.21214 0.0010922 0.010137
0.3925 0.21725 0.0011497 0.010422
0.4015 0.20451 0.0011422 0.0098177
0.4105 0.19932 0.0011632 0.0095592
0.4195 0.19543 0.001186 0.0093792
0.4285 0.19438 0.0012182 0.0093414
0.4375 0.18841 0.0012278 0.009035
0.4465 0.18481 0.0012337 0.0088742
0.4555 0.183 0.0012721 0.0087822
0.4645 0.17695 0.0012912 0.0085337
0.4735 0.17076 0.00132 0.0082207
0.4825 0.16387 0.0013003 0.0078879
0.4915 0.15189 0.0012823 0.0073207
0.5005 0.14339 0.001258 0.0068711
0.5095 0.14375 0.0013481 0.0069357
0.5185 0.14138 0.0012992 0.006815
0.5275 0.13384 0.0013617 0.0064463
0.5365 0.12774 0.0013141 0.0061129
0.5455 0.12669 0.0014038 0.0060732
0.5545 0.12825 0.001364 0.0061952
0.5635 0.11991 0.0014063 0.0058025
0.5725 0.11525 0.0014118 0.0055058
0.5815 0.11163 0.001431 0.0053986
0.5905 0.10188 0.001373 0.0048822
0.5995 0.098943 0.0013991 0.0047973
0.6085 0.091157 0.0013617 0.0043892
0.6175 0.093083 0.0014194 0.0045254
0.6265 0.086781 0.0013255 0.0041609
0.6355 0.080739 0.0013801 0.0038958
0.6445 0.083074 0.0013982 0.0039854
0.6535 0.073741 0.0013099 0.0035102
0.6625 0.077382 0.0014137 0.0037315
0.6715 0.074688 0.0014215 0.0036005
0.6805 0.076323 0.0013856 0.0036733
0.6895 0.075254 0.0014303 0.0036177
0.6985 0.075521 0.0021017 0.0051087
0.7075 0.082433 0.0022316 0.0055585
0.7165 0.077766 0.0021381 0.0052754
0.7255 0.080373 0.0021086 0.005424
0.7345 0.075278 0.002024 0.0050945
0.7435 0.075277 0.0020992 0.0050876
0.7525 0.064443 0.0018967 0.0043577
0.7615 0.064467 0.0019635 0.0043031
0.7705 0.060615 0.001847 0.0040525
0.7795 0.056238 0.0018359 0.0037673
0.7885 0.049904 0.001666 0.0033124
0.7975 0.045896 0.0015571 0.0030436
0.8065 0.041542 0.0014539 0.002755
0.8155 0.040969 0.0014836 0.0027093
0.8245 0.040538 0.0015991 0.0027199
0.8335 0.031663 0.0012969 0.002094
0.8425 0.029521 0.0011929 0.0019456
0.8515 0.029831 0.0012202 0.0019746
0.8605 0.029365 0.0011806 0.0019643
0.8695 0.026971 0.001149 0.001775
0.8785 0.027741 0.001125 0.0018226
0.8875 0.030689 0.0011745 0.0020103
0.8965 0.037719 0.0014477 0.0024927
0.9055 0.037387 0.0014413 0.0024901
0.9145 0.039405 0.001528 0.0026215
0.9235 0.0405 0.0014815 0.0026699
0.9325 0.056419 0.0018935 0.0037912
0.9415 0.052955 0.0018791 0.0035182
0.9505 0.062385 0.0021008 0.0041687
0.9595 0.069379 0.0022069 0.0046688
0.9685 0.078013 0.0024547 0.0052613
0.9775 0.088583 0.0027587 0.005992
0.9865 0.069756 0.0023938 0.0046499
0.9955 0.093656 0.0028394 0.006329
1.0045 0.087167 0.0029019 0.0058776
1.0135 0.079671 0.0026315 0.0053742
1.0225 0.084637 0.0029231 0.0057475
1.0315 0.070581 0.0025458 0.0047191
1.0405 0.063772 0.0025136 0.0043278
1.0495 0.056653 0.002172 0.0037561
1.0585 0.052183 0.0022041 0.0035203
1.0675 0.046135 0.0020437 0.0030855
1.0765 0.044077 0.0018841 0.0029512
1.0855 0.035448 0.0018167 0.0023746
1.0945 0.027548 0.0015198 0.0018157
1.1035 0.027157 0.0014687 0.0018048
1.1125 0.022072 0.0013614 0.0014667
1.1215 0.022382 0.0013116 0.0014756
1.1305 0.016669 0.0011496 0.0010939
1.1395 0.01698 0.0012138 0.0011149
1.1485 0.01764 0.001286 0.001179
1.1575 0.012365 0.0010187 0.00081423
1.1665 0.010436 0.00096956 0.00067808
1.1755 0.010226 0.0010321 0.00066752
1.1845 0.010334 0.00093664 0.00067927
1.1935 0.0065845 0.00079189 0.00043134
1.2025 0.008827 0.00092105 0.00058604
1.2115 0.0053424 0.00073435 0.00035403
1.2205 0.0054808 0.00058964 0.00036451
1.2295 0.0067637 0.00074242 0.00044702