CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E134M5

Experiment: EG2 run CLAS data
Year: 2011
Spokesperson: W. Brooks et al
Reaction: e56Fe → semi-inclusive
Polarization: none
Quantity: Rm(56Fe/2H)
Q2: 1.0 — 4.25 GeV2
W: 1.414 — 3.0 GeV
x: 0.1 — 0.55
A. Daniel, K. Hicks, W. Brooks, H. Hakobyan, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the nuclear multiplicity ratio for K0s hadronization at CLAS // PLB 706 (2011) 26-31

Measurement data
p2T, [GeV2] Rm(56Fe/2H) uncertainty
0.05 0.503178 0.109311
0.15 0.562402 0.113484
0.25 0.699967 0.154819
0.35 0.721925 0.196836
0.45 1.38469 0.42923
0.55 2.09083 0.882209
0.65 1.4731 0.712783