CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E142M1

Experiment: E00-112 CLAS experiment
Year: 0

Experiment comment:

The uncertainties are statistical only. Systematic uncertainties are at the level of about 10%.
Spokesperson: Daniel S. Carman
Reaction: ep → K+ Λ
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
Q2: 1.8 GeV2
W: 1.63 GeV
D. S. Carman et al. (CLAS Collaboration) // Phys. Rev. C 87, 025204 (2013)

Slice: cos(θ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ, [degree] dσ/dΩ, [nb/sr] uncertainty
-0.775 -157.5 68.896 9.857
-0.775 -112.5 70.042 11.205
-0.775 -67.5 92.99 16.987
-0.775 -22.5 89.746 15.395
-0.775 22.5 73.361 13.816
-0.775 67.5 84.349 16.123
-0.775 112.5 60.328 10.356
-0.775 157.5 88.047 11.216
-0.525 -157.5 64.188 8.88
-0.525 -112.5 101.168 13.05
-0.525 -67.5 78.774 16.651
-0.525 -22.5 75.597 14.398
-0.525 22.5 54.045 12.081
-0.525 67.5 63.733 14.876
-0.525 112.5 63.386 10.179
-0.525 157.5 43.342 7.25
-0.3 -157.5 48.508 8.554
-0.3 -112.5 60.772 11.181
-0.3 -67.5 56.961 16.31
-0.3 -22.5 53.638 12.644
-0.3 22.5 67.765 14.272
-0.3 67.5 53.124 15.73
-0.3 112.5 38.11 8.785
-0.3 157.5 37.911 7.541
-0.1 -157.5 54.819 9.069
-0.1 -112.5 47.552 9.446
-0.1 -67.5 40.99 13.744
-0.1 -22.5 91.181 15.147
-0.1 22.5 40.511 9.94
-0.1 67.5 95.886 21.404
-0.1 112.5 51.083 9.801
-0.1 157.5 74.584 10.631
0.1 -157.5 51.048 8.645
0.1 -112.5 37.819 8.255
0.1 -67.5 57.583 16.103
0.1 -22.5 47.517 9.906
0.1 22.5 34.373 8.394
0.1 67.5 18.437 9.012
0.1 112.5 35.474 7.99
0.1 157.5 47.856 8.364
0.3 -157.5 69.138 10.081
0.3 -112.5 57.17 9.493
0.3 -67.5 70.538 15.979
0.3 -22.5 49.415 9.67
0.3 22.5 51.803 9.908
0.3 67.5 81.611 17.247
0.3 112.5 60.752 9.794
0.3 157.5 74.867 10.504
0.5 -157.5 58.605 9.538
0.5 -112.5 73.09 11.992
0.5 -67.5 49.41 13.429
0.5 -22.5 35.007 8.295
0.5 22.5 34.919 8.285
0.5 67.5 80.1 17.213
0.5 112.5 60.839 10.915
0.5 157.5 64.072 9.981
0.675 -157.5 55.723 10.453
0.675 -112.5 59.517 13.093
0.675 -67.5 59.933 16.31
0.675 -22.5 46.269 11.308
0.675 22.5 42.94 10.886
0.675 67.5 78.874 18.789
0.675 112.5 47.906 11.722
0.675 157.5 50.991 9.993
0.825 -157.5 84.26 13.6
0.825 -112.5 61.661 14.565
0.825 -67.5 79.965 19.666
0.825 -22.5 90.528 17.317
0.825 22.5 71.301 15.31
0.825 67.5 104.109 22.543
0.825 112.5 60.101 14.376
0.825 157.5 54.614 10.903
0.95 -157.5 73.525 19.655
0.95 -112.5 54.089 19.802
0.95 -67.5 68.379 24.256
0.95 -22.5 64.097 22.885
0.95 22.5 77.598 25.227
0.95 67.5 62.454 23.161
0.95 112.5 68.814 22.377
0.95 157.5 67.47 18.813