CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E142M212

Experiment: E00-112 CLAS experiment
Year: 0

Experiment comment:

The uncertainties are statistical only. Systematic uncertainties are at the level of about 10%.
Spokesperson: Daniel S. Carman
Reaction: ep → K+ Λ
Polarization: none
Quantity: σLTp
Q2: 1.8 GeV2
W: 2.575 GeV
D. S. Carman et al. (CLAS Collaboration) // Phys. Rev. C 87, 025204 (2013)

Measurement data
cos(θ) σLTp, [nb/sr] uncertainty
-0.775 -0.015 0.062
-0.525 -0.018 0.103
-0.3 0.074 0.247
-0.1 0.202 0.653
0.1 0.15 0.905
0.3 0.925 1.439
0.5 -0.62 2.719
0.675 9.884 5.634
0.825 2.788 8.377
0.95 15.978 17.373