CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E142M244

Experiment: E00-112 CLAS experiment
Year: 0

Experiment comment:

The uncertainties are statistical only. Systematic uncertainties are at the level of about 10%.
Spokesperson: Daniel S. Carman
Reaction: ep → K+ Σ0
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
Q2: 1.8 GeV2
W: 1.775 GeV
D. S. Carman et al. (CLAS Collaboration) // Phys. Rev. C 87, 025204 (2013)

Slice: cos(θ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ, [degree] dσ/dΩ, [nb/sr] uncertainty
-0.775 -157.5 6.808 3.523
-0.775 -112.5 23.917 9.417
-0.775 -67.5 17.386 6.697
-0.775 -22.5 8.487 6.334
-0.775 22.5 6.259 5.433
-0.775 67.5 13.41 5.872
-0.775 112.5 12.744 6.852
-0.775 157.5 10.139 4.304
-0.525 -157.5 17.087 4.134
-0.525 -112.5 25.298 7.091
-0.525 -67.5 28.02 5.851
-0.525 -22.5 21.023 7.4
-0.525 22.5 11.738 5.504
-0.525 67.5 22.205 5.192
-0.525 112.5 25.401 7.106
-0.525 157.5 14.386 3.79
-0.3 -157.5 18.815 4.153
-0.3 -112.5 40.454 8.969
-0.3 -67.5 41.139 6.723
-0.3 -22.5 13.74 6.028
-0.3 22.5 31.412 9.188
-0.3 67.5 30.217 5.728
-0.3 112.5 50.585 10.064
-0.3 157.5 26.265 4.92
-0.1 -157.5 20.265 4.757
-0.1 -112.5 26.54 7.929
-0.1 -67.5 23.157 5.805
-0.1 -22.5 26.691 8.854
-0.1 22.5 24.942 8.553
-0.1 67.5 20.015 5.39
-0.1 112.5 37.322 9.428
-0.1 157.5 17.529 4.422
0.1 -157.5 35.995 6.186
0.1 -112.5 35.045 8.477
0.1 -67.5 31.614 6.967
0.1 -22.5 24.387 8.655
0.1 22.5 23.595 8.511
0.1 67.5 30.587 6.85
0.1 112.5 37.37 8.759
0.1 157.5 23.174 4.948
0.3 -157.5 32.728 6.063
0.3 -112.5 25.155 7.149
0.3 -67.5 29.992 8.798
0.3 -22.5 29.962 10.514
0.3 22.5 17.886 8.1
0.3 67.5 29.156 8.672
0.3 112.5 26.435 7.33
0.3 157.5 26.972 5.499
0.5 -157.5 33.469 5.594
0.5 -112.5 37.691 7.982
0.5 -67.5 26.712 12.679
0.5 -22.5 30.817 7.936
0.5 22.5 21.7 6.646
0.5 67.5 48.684 17.227
0.5 112.5 25.665 6.575
0.5 157.5 27.517 5.067
0.675 -157.5 38.613 6.632
0.675 -112.5 42.546 8.183
0.675 -67.5 46.205 12.703
0.675 -22.5 33.803 7.357
0.675 22.5 53.091 9.267
0.675 67.5 41.241 11.985
0.675 112.5 37.62 7.688
0.675 157.5 48.883 7.473
0.825 -157.5 46.635 8.129
0.825 -112.5 34.916 7.451
0.825 -67.5 40.23 8.224
0.825 -22.5 40.188 7.074
0.825 22.5 47.328 7.689
0.825 67.5 44.259 8.633
0.825 112.5 44.057 8.38
0.825 157.5 36.306 7.164
0.95 -157.5 25.545 9.629
0.95 -112.5 33.038 11.639
0.95 -67.5 23.32 9.478
0.95 -22.5 32.734 10.615
0.95 22.5 36.78 11.258
0.95 67.5 27.12 10.225
0.95 112.5 22.439 9.583
0.95 157.5 29.067 10.274