CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E142M266

Experiment: E00-112 CLAS experiment
Year: 0

Experiment comment:

The uncertainties are statistical only. Systematic uncertainties are at the level of about 10%.
Spokesperson: Daniel S. Carman
Reaction: ep → K+ Σ0
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
Q2: 2.6 GeV2
W: 1.875 GeV
D. S. Carman et al. (CLAS Collaboration) // Phys. Rev. C 87, 025204 (2013)

Slice: cos(θ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ, [degree] dσ/dΩ, [nb/sr] uncertainty
-0.775 -157.5 2.883 2.192
-0.775 -112.5 4.859 2.996
-0.775 -67.5 6.119 3.643
-0.775 -22.5 11.094 8.407
-0.775 22.5 4.835 5.533
-0.775 67.5 4.96 3.278
-0.775 112.5 4.863 2.997
-0.775 157.5 2.554 2.063
-0.525 -157.5 7.819 2.358
-0.525 -112.5 16.45 3.832
-0.525 -67.5 12.862 3.295
-0.525 -22.5 13.734 5.268
-0.525 22.5 13.549 5.231
-0.525 67.5 17.336 3.838
-0.525 112.5 17.094 3.907
-0.525 157.5 5.045 1.89
-0.3 -157.5 12.618 2.837
-0.3 -112.5 18.267 3.813
-0.3 -67.5 18.007 3.538
-0.3 -22.5 11.011 5.592
-0.3 22.5 26.485 8.785
-0.3 67.5 22.735 3.989
-0.3 112.5 25.324 4.507
-0.3 157.5 9.461 2.452
-0.1 -157.5 18.112 3.312
-0.1 -112.5 40.84 6.067
-0.1 -67.5 33.412 4.408
-0.1 -22.5 16.892 6.154
-0.1 22.5 27.886 7.96
-0.1 67.5 29.617 4.141
-0.1 112.5 31.461 5.305
-0.1 157.5 18.575 3.355
0.1 -157.5 26.784 3.589
0.1 -112.5 39.663 5.893
0.1 -67.5 31.16 3.963
0.1 -22.5 13.54 4.007
0.1 22.5 28.031 5.811
0.1 67.5 30.88 3.945
0.1 112.5 32.532 5.322
0.1 157.5 28.642 3.715
0.3 -157.5 29.111 3.781
0.3 -112.5 30.277 5.359
0.3 -67.5 27.189 4.269
0.3 -22.5 15.314 4.967
0.3 22.5 21.345 5.878
0.3 67.5 27.31 4.279
0.3 112.5 28.559 5.202
0.3 157.5 30.458 3.87
0.5 -157.5 29.701 4.034
0.5 -112.5 31.097 5.575
0.5 -67.5 31.592 5.92
0.5 -22.5 30.401 8.196
0.5 22.5 24.404 7.33
0.5 67.5 29.449 5.712
0.5 112.5 37.335 6.116
0.5 157.5 32.027 4.191
0.675 -157.5 17.386 3.66
0.675 -112.5 30.082 6.281
0.675 -67.5 23.031 7.431
0.675 -22.5 18.637 5.63
0.675 22.5 18.792 5.653
0.675 67.5 14.221 5.829
0.675 112.5 23.771 5.578
0.675 157.5 25.35 4.426
0.825 -157.5 27.291 4.862
0.825 -112.5 25.348 5.498
0.825 -67.5 25.217 7.069
0.825 -22.5 16.808 4.357
0.825 22.5 20.151 4.773
0.825 67.5 23.181 6.776
0.825 112.5 29.01 5.884
0.825 157.5 25.192 4.67
0.95 -157.5 23.193 5.856
0.95 -112.5 28.05 6.957
0.95 -67.5 22.811 6.807
0.95 -22.5 21.788 6.196
0.95 22.5 19.297 5.83
0.95 67.5 23.651 6.932
0.95 112.5 29.629 7.151
0.95 157.5 25.707 6.167