CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E15M95

Experiment: E99-105
Year: 2002

Measurement comment:

Omega spin matrix elements from method of moments, background unsubtracted. Data were integrated up to t' = t0 - t < 0.5 GeV2. Errors include systematics, added in quadrature.
Spokespersons: M. Garçon, M. Guidal, E. S. Smith
Reaction: ep → ω p
Polarization: none
Quantity: Im r106
Q2: 1.89 — 3.818 GeV2
W: 1.855 — 2.469 GeV
x: 0.267 — 0.579
L. Morand, D. Dore, M. Garçon, M. Guidal, J.-M. Laget, S. Morrow, F. Sabatie, E. Smith, and CLAS collaboration Deeply virtual and exclusive electroproduction of omega mesons // hep-ex/0504057

Measurement data
Q2, [GeV2] x W, [GeV] ε -t, [GeV2] Im r106 uncertainty
1.89 0.267 2.469 0.566 0.481 -0.13 0.05
2.532 0.365 2.3 0.574 0.64 -0.02 0.06
2.028 0.348 2.171 0.706 0.611 0.01 0.04
3.18 0.471 2.114 0.582 0.895 0.12 0.08
2.534 0.463 1.957 0.735 0.906 0.03 0.04
2.11 0.44 1.89 0.804 0.886 0.04 0.04
3.818 0.579 1.914 0.591 1.363 -0.06 0.07
3.007 0.54 1.855 0.719 1.232 0.05 0.04