CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E182M4

Experiment: Measurement of the Proton Spin Structure at Long Distances
Year: 2021
Spokesperson: X. Zheng et al. (CLAS Collaboration)
Reaction: ep → inclusive
Polarization: beam, target (longitudinal)
Quantity: g1
Q2: 0.0204 GeV2
W: 1.11 — 1.63 GeV
X. Zheng et al. (CLAS Collaboration) Measurement of the Proton Spin Structure at Long Distances //

Measurement data
W g1 uncertainty syst. uncert.
1.11 0.0929 0.0465 0.0214
1.13 -0.0796 0.0473 0.0252
1.15 -0.0617 0.0521 0.0243
1.17 -0.2465 0.0547 0.0342
1.19 -0.4332 0.0565 0.032
1.21 -0.5911 0.0577 0.022
1.23 -0.552 0.0578 0.0363
1.25 -0.3369 0.0581 0.0355
1.27 -0.2823 0.0593 0.0321
1.29 -0.1272 0.0602 0.0266
1.31 0.006 0.0598 0.0341
1.33 -0.0257 0.0627 0.0596
1.35 -0.0604 0.0667 0.0606
1.37 -0.1366 0.0711 0.0507
1.39 -0.0007 0.0769 0.0263
1.41 -0.1056 0.0794 0.0332
1.43 -0.2365 0.0883 0.0144
1.45 -0.1943 0.0926 0.0265
1.47 -0.1228 0.1079 0.0533
1.49 -0.2053 0.1203 0.0717
1.51 -0.3126 0.1282 0.0822
1.53 -0.2543 0.1413 0.064
1.55 -0.3135 0.1496 0.0245
1.57 -0.086 0.1609 0.0526
1.59 -0.0985 0.1705 0.0587
1.61 0.1524 0.2103 0.0571
1.63 -0.5232 0.2762 0.2099