CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E182M9

Experiment: Measurement of the Proton Spin Structure at Long Distances
Year: 2021
Spokesperson: X. Zheng et al. (CLAS Collaboration)
Reaction: ep → inclusive
Polarization: beam, target (longitudinal)
Quantity: g1
Q2: 0.0494 GeV2
W: 1.11 — 1.93 GeV
X. Zheng et al. (CLAS Collaboration) Measurement of the Proton Spin Structure at Long Distances //

Measurement data
W g1 uncertainty syst. uncert.
1.11 0.0516 0.0211 0.0101
1.13 0.033 0.0276 0.0114
1.15 -0.0136 0.0311 0.0159
1.17 -0.2 0.0338 0.0253
1.19 -0.3543 0.0373 0.0279
1.21 -0.5276 0.0386 0.0183
1.23 -0.4116 0.0388 0.0252
1.25 -0.3286 0.0374 0.0267
1.27 -0.1831 0.0362 0.0228
1.29 -0.1123 0.0349 0.0225
1.31 -0.0328 0.0344 0.0248
1.33 -0.0185 0.0346 0.0304
1.35 -0.0055 0.0362 0.0304
1.37 -0.0602 0.0379 0.03
1.39 0.0491 0.0394 0.0194
1.41 0.0019 0.042 0.0194
1.43 -0.0778 0.0467 0.0098
1.45 -0.0128 0.0496 0.0192
1.47 -0.1383 0.0638 0.0321
1.49 -0.0466 0.0678 0.0222
1.51 -0.1731 0.0705 0.0299
1.53 -0.0351 0.0713 0.0162
1.55 -0.143 0.0769 0.0241
1.57 -0.0957 0.0824 0.0213
1.59 -0.0628 0.0869 0.0206
1.61 -0.0914 0.0929 0.0524
1.63 -0.0987 0.1395 0.0869
1.65 0.2635 0.306 0.0238
1.67 -1.1189 0.3091 0.0556
1.69 -0.1953 0.3126 0.0147
1.71 -0.7801 0.301 0.0585
1.73 0.0237 0.3118 0.0163
1.75 0.0538 0.3405 0.0235
1.77 -0.5169 0.3834 0.0438
1.79 -0.8044 0.4026 0.0602
1.81 -0.1367 0.4335 0.0416
1.83 -0.1735 0.4333 0.0126
1.85 -0.2486 0.5147 0.0265
1.87 0.4075 0.551 0.0522
1.89 1.0628 0.5581 0.126
1.91 -0.4455 0.5822 0.0493
1.93 0.082 1.0305 0.1169