CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E21M1

Experiment: g1c CLAS experiment
Year: 2006

Measurement comment:

Statistical and systematic errors are added in quadrature.
Spokesperson: K. Hicks
Reaction: γp → K*0 Σ+
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dcos(θK*)
W: 2.023 — 2.114 GeV
I. Hleiqawi, K. Hicks, D.S. Carman, T. Mibe, G. Niculescu, A. Tkabladze and CLAS Collaboration Cross Sections for the $\gamma p \to K^{*0}\Sigma^+$ Reaction at $E_\gamma =1.7-3.0$ GeV // nucl-ex/0701036 (Phys. Rev. C (Rapid Commun.))

Measurement data
cos(θK*) dσ/dcos(θK*), [nb] uncertainty
-0.75 26.7 6.6
-0.35 50.0 11.8
-0.05 35.9 8.9
0.25 34.6 8.7
0.55 30.2 7.6
0.8 98.9 22.9