CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E24M9

Experiment: g10a CLAS experiment
Year: 2007
Spokespersons: K. Hicks, S. Stepanyan
Reaction: γd → φ d
Polarization: none
Quantity: W(φ)
W: 3.643 — 4.126 GeV
Eγ: 2.6 — 3.6 GeV
T. Mibe, H. Gao, K. Hicks, K. Kramer, S. Stepanyan, D. J. Tedeschi and the CLAS Collaboration First measurement of coherent phi-meson photoproduction on deuteron at low energies // PRC 76, 052202 (2007)

Measurement data
φ, [degree] W(φ) uncertainty syst. uncert.
-105.0 0.814 0.099 0.049
-75.0 0.681 0.085 0.071
-45.0 1.016 0.083 0.075
-15.0 1.069 0.077 0.103
15.0 0.976 0.077 0.09
45.0 1.103 0.089 0.108
75.0 1.092 0.1 0.077
105.0 1.085 0.115 0.063