CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E29M15

Experiment: CLAS Approved Analysis (CAA) of E1-6 experiment
Year: 2002
Spokesperson: M. Osipenko
Reaction: ep → π++X
Polarization: beam (unknown), target (unknown)
Quantity: d5σ/dx dQ2 dz dp2T
Q2: 1.55999994 — 1.87 GeV2
W: 1.30068183 — 1.44267082 GeV
x: 0.608932376 — 0.657832921
M. Osipenko, M. Ripani, G. Ricco, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of semi-inclusive π+ electroproduction off the proton. // Phys.Rev.D80,032004 (2009)

Measurement data
z p2T, [Gev2] φ, [deg] d5σ/dx dQ2 dz dp2T dφ, [μb/GeV4 rad] uncertainty syst. uncert.
0.2050622255 0.00500000035 130.0 0.43144 0.61015 0.19912
0.2050622255 0.0251603215 150.0 0.024207 0.027951 0.0111
0.236153312 0.00500000035 230.0 0.32781 0.4636 0.15107
0.2686154245 0.00500000035 30.0 0.11969 0.14659 0.055326
0.3025090245 0.00500000035 270.0 0.089955 0.11017 0.041546
0.3025090245 0.0251603215 130.0 0.10403 0.14711 0.047952
0.3025090245 0.0251603215 170.0 0.026042 0.029115 0.012004
0.3025090245 0.0251603215 230.0 0.10399 0.14707 0.047938
0.374845937 0.00500000035 110.0 0.051315 0.062848 0.023749
0.374845937 0.00500000035 170.0 0.10142 0.14342 0.046935
0.374845937 0.00500000035 250.0 0.10275 0.14531 0.047552
0.374845937 0.0251603215 210.0 0.046301 0.042267 0.021359
0.4134239705 0.0251603215 130.0 0.018321 0.021155 0.0084581
0.4134239705 0.0251603215 210.0 0.026926 0.032977 0.012431
0.4134239705 0.0251603215 230.0 0.054947 0.077707 0.025367
0.45370318 0.0251603215 230.0 0.0068748 0.0074257 0.0031841
0.45370318 0.0251603215 270.0 0.022665 0.027759 0.010497
0.53966853 0.00500000035 150.0 0.026287 0.037176 0.012163