CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E29M89

Experiment: CLAS Approved Analysis (CAA) of E1-6 experiment
Year: 2002
Spokesperson: M. Osipenko
Reaction: ep → π++X
Polarization: beam (unknown), target (unknown)
Quantity: d5σ/dx dQ2 dz dp2T
Q2: 6.44999981 — 7.69999981 GeV2
W: 1.14743936 — 1.40377986 GeV
x: 0.875970781 — 0.936646879
M. Osipenko, M. Ripani, G. Ricco, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of semi-inclusive π+ electroproduction off the proton. // Phys.Rev.D80,032004 (2009)

Measurement data
z p2T, [Gev2] φ, [deg] d5σ/dx dQ2 dz dp2T dφ, [μb/GeV4 rad] uncertainty syst. uncert.
0.1467639355 0.00500000035 170.0 0.00012117 0.00017728 2.1174e-05
0.1467639355 0.00500000035 250.0 0.00011865 0.00017433 2.0889e-05