CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E38M225

Experiment: E1-5st-Lambda (E93-030/E00-112)
Year: 1999

Measurement comment:

Differential cross sections were extracted by combining yields of data pertaining to two beam energies 4.056 and 4.247 GeV.

Experiment comment:

5 structure function group analysis results for the K+Λ channel.
Spokespersons: Mestayer, Hicks, Carman, Raue
Reaction: ep → K+ Λ
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
Q2: 1.0 GeV2
W: 2.25 GeV
ε: 0.536898
D.S. Carman, B.A. Raue, and CLAS Collaboration Beam-Recoil Polarization Transfer in the Nucleon Resonance Region in the Exclusive ep -> e′K+Λ and ep -> e′K+Σ0 Reactions at CLAS // PRC 79, 065205 (2009)

Slice: cos(θ) =

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ dσ/dΩ, [nb/sr] uncertainty
-0.6 -157.5 0.0 0.0
-0.6 -112.5 1.827714 2.28467
-0.6 -67.5 1.564249 1.382663
-0.6 -22.5 2.867121 1.792119
-0.6 22.5 5.488945 2.965448
-0.6 67.5 2.641649 2.332448
-0.6 112.5 7.271859 4.545138
-0.6 157.5 0.0 0.0
-0.25 -157.5 5.36001 4.588647
-0.25 -112.5 4.166105 3.075202
-0.25 -67.5 5.729653 2.825945
-0.25 -22.5 1.964171 3.010009
-0.25 22.5 3.351888 3.289705
-0.25 67.5 4.089699 2.718925
-0.25 112.5 7.860553 3.578726
-0.25 157.5 12.00133 4.960328
0.05 -157.5 26.158792 7.170627
0.05 -112.5 12.626495 3.869352
0.05 -67.5 17.85804 4.602464
0.05 -22.5 10.626857 4.061759
0.05 22.5 7.642912 3.74234
0.05 67.5 11.582118 4.382831
0.05 112.5 20.698536 4.418092
0.05 157.5 21.065336 6.5984
0.35 -165.0 34.373714 10.311359
0.35 -135.0 34.652943 11.666483
0.35 -105.0 37.955441 7.63275
0.35 -75.0 30.535839 8.304291
0.35 -45.0 29.7108 8.554301
0.35 -15.0 24.933281 14.79687
0.35 15.0 12.269196 7.668272
0.35 45.0 4.870112 7.577726
0.35 75.0 26.042318 9.931846
0.35 105.0 34.099827 7.217274
0.35 135.0 31.447868 11.964384
0.35 165.0 54.407528 10.507733
0.65 -165.0 65.74205 11.977072
0.65 -135.0 33.207462 13.843045
0.65 -105.0 101.781189 13.081952
0.65 -75.0 69.481743 11.279113
0.65 -45.0 23.004501 22.740702
0.65 -15.0 22.552935 28.191174
0.65 15.0 45.349083 40.083324
0.65 45.0 14.705616 21.9021
0.65 75.0 70.585281 11.341804
0.65 105.0 74.879326 12.90416
0.65 135.0 39.292194 14.490396
0.65 165.0 55.592014 11.241443
0.9 -165.0 185.584015 22.291359
0.9 -135.0 156.313629 27.522343
0.9 -105.0 218.376587 50.53809
0.9 -75.0 85.914536 36.84877
0.9 -45.0 164.917648 50.551136
0.9 -15.0 0.0 0.0
0.9 15.0 144.498703 90.311752
0.9 45.0 0.0 0.0
0.9 75.0 140.796783 35.431473
0.9 105.0 140.470047 48.201382
0.9 135.0 124.125633 26.156443
0.9 165.0 157.384247 21.02232