CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E39M183

Experiment: E1-5st-Sigma0 (E93-030/E00-112)
Year: 1999

Measurement comment:

Differential cross sections for two different torus currents, 1500A and 2250A at 2.567GeV beam energy, were combined using error weighted average.

Experiment comment:

5 structure function group analysis results for the K+Σ0 channel.
Spokespersons: Mestayer, Hicks, Carman, Raue
Reaction: ep → K+ Σ0
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
Q2: 0.65 GeV2
W: 1.95 GeV
ε: 0.418922
D.S. Carman, B.A. Raue, and CLAS Collaboration Beam-Recoil Polarization Transfer in the Nucleon Resonance Region in the Exclusive ep -> e′K+Λ and ep -> e′K+Σ0 Reactions at CLAS // PRC 79, 065205 (2009)

Slice: cos(θ) =

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ dσ/dΩ, [nb/sr] uncertainty
-0.6 -157.5 11.152197 9.045519
-0.6 -112.5 36.882488 6.389284
-0.6 -67.5 38.813614 5.953514
-0.6 -22.5 41.443733 6.911024
-0.6 22.5 35.681908 7.319172
-0.6 67.5 41.340614 5.923616
-0.6 112.5 31.846457 5.978651
-0.6 157.5 22.577938 9.141759
-0.25 -157.5 57.48394 6.504737
-0.25 -112.5 79.839348 6.39046
-0.25 -67.5 77.960304 7.11757
-0.25 -22.5 56.785828 7.823806
-0.25 22.5 50.678318 8.119039
-0.25 67.5 82.244194 7.417814
-0.25 112.5 75.020576 6.269842
-0.25 157.5 57.450974 7.107363
0.05 -165.0 79.217415 8.924774
0.05 -135.0 92.249405 10.009047
0.05 -105.0 97.5382 8.146705
0.05 -75.0 97.047272 9.995139
0.05 -45.0 105.522102 8.572182
0.05 -15.0 57.787048 12.328721
0.05 15.0 70.657036 14.137737
0.05 45.0 102.466125 8.573313
0.05 75.0 96.358765 10.761738
0.05 105.0 113.297607 8.237533
0.05 135.0 85.147415 9.54892
0.05 165.0 90.17308 9.059383
0.35 -165.0 95.58255 9.695819
0.35 -135.0 91.585892 11.270321
0.35 -105.0 97.202446 8.77386
0.35 -75.0 102.339951 11.809236
0.35 -45.0 76.290787 9.206955
0.35 -15.0 73.879768 17.754292
0.35 15.0 42.749973 15.540977
0.35 45.0 91.89695 9.85919
0.35 75.0 84.68869 11.253161
0.35 105.0 103.551102 8.14744
0.35 135.0 91.332466 11.00948
0.35 165.0 91.845459 9.826092
0.65 -165.0 94.285614 10.435821
0.65 -135.0 70.149017 13.041124
0.65 -105.0 77.554459 9.88537
0.65 -75.0 69.747131 10.49117
0.65 -45.0 64.312195 16.592287
0.65 -15.0 0.000333 51.100201
0.65 15.0 51.740475 41.976185
0.65 45.0 83.490425 17.070444
0.65 75.0 81.047012 10.448699
0.65 105.0 94.851784 9.997688
0.65 135.0 70.928986 12.837196
0.65 165.0 91.871582 10.394597
0.9 -165.0 75.796547 13.714986
0.9 -135.0 66.452576 17.65399
0.9 -105.0 80.146652 24.725979
0.9 -75.0 39.907536 22.621822
0.9 -45.0 60.772228 50.517738
0.9 -15.0 0.0 0.0
0.9 15.0 0.0 0.0
0.9 45.0 20.949596 61.235744
0.9 75.0 36.181133 21.742996
0.9 105.0 68.723984 22.508495
0.9 135.0 49.190437 18.082525
0.9 165.0 86.010529 14.22614