CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E40M27

Experiment: EG1
Year: 2000
Spokespersons: P. Stoler, V. Burkert, R. Minehart
Reaction: ep → π0p
Polarization: beam, target (longitudinal)
Quantity: At
Q2: 0.187 — 0.317 GeV2
W: 1.25 — 1.3 GeV
A. S. Biselli, V. D. Burkert, and CLAS Collaboration First measurement of target and double spin asymmetries for polarized e- polarized p → e p π0 in the nucleon resonance region above the Δ(1232) // PRC 78, 045204 (2008)

Slice: cos(θ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ, [deg] At uncertainty syst. uncert.
-0.9 -168.0 -0.301 0.425 0.0608
-0.7 -168.0 0.043 0.338 0.0253
-0.5 -168.0 -0.436 0.232 0.0546
-0.3 -168.0 -0.595 0.289 0.075
-0.1 -168.0 -0.723 0.298 0.0616
-0.9 -144.0 -0.107 0.232 0.0228
-0.7 -144.0 -0.292 0.094 0.028
-0.5 -144.0 -0.388 0.087 0.0359
-0.3 -144.0 -0.378 0.076 0.0312
-0.1 -144.0 -0.183 0.086 0.0213
0.1 -144.0 -0.315 0.127 0.0254
0.3 -144.0 -0.134 0.119 0.0154
0.5 -144.0 -0.072 0.125 0.0136
0.7 -144.0 -0.123 0.151 0.0176
-0.9 -120.0 -0.332 0.14 0.0368
-0.7 -120.0 -0.116 0.074 0.0138
-0.5 -120.0 -0.24 0.054 0.0157
-0.3 -120.0 -0.263 0.045 0.0139
-0.1 -120.0 -0.292 0.068 0.0182
0.1 -120.0 -0.271 0.08 0.0167
0.3 -120.0 -0.102 0.083 0.0088
0.5 -120.0 -0.147 0.12 0.0129
0.7 -120.0 -0.187 0.155 0.0261
-0.9 -96.0 -0.095 0.103 0.0165
-0.7 -96.0 -0.201 0.059 0.0133
-0.5 -96.0 -0.169 0.051 0.0103
-0.3 -96.0 -0.15 0.049 0.0092
-0.1 -96.0 -0.175 0.043 0.0085
0.1 -96.0 -0.179 0.048 0.008
0.3 -96.0 -0.106 0.06 0.006
0.5 -96.0 -0.19 0.076 0.0091
0.7 -96.0 -0.41 0.133 0.0403
0.9 -96.0 0.1 0.292 0.0255
-0.9 -72.0 -0.029 0.14 0.0134
-0.7 -72.0 -0.095 0.055 0.0062
-0.5 -72.0 -0.209 0.047 0.0102
-0.3 -72.0 -0.036 0.052 0.0035
-0.9 -48.0 -0.149 0.173 0.0181
-0.7 -48.0 -0.253 0.088 0.0214
-0.9 -24.0 0.121 0.171 0.0159
-0.7 -24.0 0.261 0.125 0.0175
-0.9 0.0 -0.433 0.192 0.0679
-0.9 24.0 -0.091 0.11 0.0108
-0.7 24.0 -0.076 0.098 0.0058
-0.9 48.0 -0.038 0.1 0.0097
-0.7 48.0 0.005 0.072 0.002
-0.9 72.0 0.059 0.084 0.0132
-0.7 72.0 0.092 0.065 0.0069
-0.5 72.0 0.03 0.049 0.0037
-0.3 72.0 0.1 0.053 0.0056
-0.9 96.0 0.0 0.097 0.015
-0.7 96.0 0.16 0.065 0.0123
-0.5 96.0 0.098 0.074 0.0103
-0.3 96.0 0.187 0.047 0.0095
-0.1 96.0 0.089 0.048 0.0059
0.1 96.0 0.102 0.052 0.0064
0.3 96.0 0.12 0.05 0.0062
0.5 96.0 0.074 0.053 0.0056
0.7 96.0 -0.089 0.067 0.008
0.9 96.0 0.027 0.15 0.0222
-0.9 120.0 0.013 0.101 0.0181
-0.7 120.0 0.2 0.075 0.0173
-0.5 120.0 0.264 0.072 0.0204
-0.3 120.0 0.135 0.065 0.0121
-0.1 120.0 -0.322 0.327 0.0129
0.1 120.0 0.239 0.082 0.0154
0.3 120.0 0.173 0.086 0.0119
0.5 120.0 0.007 0.082 0.0075
0.7 120.0 -0.016 0.14 0.01
-0.9 144.0 -0.011 0.272 0.0268
-0.7 144.0 0.223 0.106 0.026
-0.5 144.0 0.311 0.084 0.0287
-0.3 144.0 0.353 0.1 0.0301
-0.1 144.0 0.44 0.113 0.0263
0.1 144.0 0.101 0.233 0.0171
0.3 144.0 0.04 0.134 0.0131
0.5 144.0 0.027 0.155 0.0121
0.7 144.0 0.008 0.115 0.0121
-0.9 168.0 -0.133 0.181 0.0221
-0.7 168.0 0.229 0.301 0.054
-0.5 168.0 0.285 0.193 0.0358
-0.3 168.0 -0.062 0.282 0.0291
-0.1 168.0 0.019 0.156 0.0251