CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E40M32

Experiment: EG1
Year: 2000
Spokespersons: P. Stoler, V. Burkert, R. Minehart
Reaction: ep → π0p
Polarization: beam, target (longitudinal)
Quantity: At
Q2: 0.317 — 0.452 GeV2
W: 1.1 — 1.15 GeV
A. S. Biselli, V. D. Burkert, and CLAS Collaboration First measurement of target and double spin asymmetries for polarized e- polarized p → e p π0 in the nucleon resonance region above the Δ(1232) // PRC 78, 045204 (2008)

Slice: cos(θ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ, [deg] At uncertainty syst. uncert.
-0.9 -168.0 -1.102 1.166 0.7826
-0.7 -168.0 0.192 0.362 0.0327
-0.5 -168.0 -0.273 0.176 0.0181
-0.3 -168.0 -0.019 0.2 0.0022
-0.1 -168.0 -0.255 0.217 0.0269
0.1 -168.0 0.138 0.19 0.0112
0.3 -168.0 0.185 0.239 0.0214
0.5 -168.0 0.202 0.14 0.0112
0.7 -168.0 0.023 0.177 0.0017
0.9 -168.0 -0.074 0.261 0.0106
-0.9 -144.0 1.971 6.53 7.6952
-0.7 -144.0 0.016 0.165 0.0035
-0.5 -144.0 -0.183 0.157 0.0124
-0.3 -144.0 0.016 0.125 0.0043
-0.1 -144.0 -0.106 0.16 0.0106
0.1 -144.0 -0.154 0.172 0.0162
0.3 -144.0 -0.094 0.134 0.0078
0.5 -144.0 0.049 0.156 0.0046
0.7 -144.0 -0.133 0.163 0.0118
0.9 -144.0 0.194 0.255 0.0249
-0.9 -120.0 0.56 0.405 0.1285
-0.7 -120.0 -0.166 0.212 0.0189
-0.5 -120.0 0.108 0.181 0.0103
-0.3 -120.0 -0.265 0.117 0.0146
-0.1 -120.0 0.283 0.21 0.0305
0.1 -120.0 -0.117 0.164 0.0141
0.3 -120.0 -0.074 0.165 0.0103
0.5 -120.0 -0.087 0.233 0.0157
0.7 -120.0 -0.154 0.207 0.0203
0.9 -120.0 0.006 0.168 0.0036
-0.9 -96.0 -0.021 0.16 0.0072
-0.7 -96.0 0.201 0.359 0.0446
-0.5 -96.0 0.022 0.226 0.008
-0.3 -96.0 0.039 0.245 0.0095
-0.1 -96.0 -0.064 0.149 0.0097
0.1 -96.0 -0.35 0.254 0.0576
0.3 -96.0 0.07 0.149 0.0099
0.5 -96.0 -0.241 0.179 0.0265
0.7 -96.0 0.083 0.335 0.0187
0.9 -96.0 -0.08 0.128 0.0069
-0.9 -72.0 0.278 0.915 0.2944
-0.7 -72.0 1.224 0.911 0.2976
-0.9 48.0 -0.199 0.409 0.0556
-0.9 72.0 -0.184 0.154 0.018
-0.7 72.0 -0.243 0.28 0.0357
-0.9 96.0 0.111 0.307 0.0289
-0.7 96.0 0.107 0.222 0.017
-0.5 96.0 0.771 0.902 0.4644
-0.3 96.0 -0.093 0.226 0.016
-0.1 96.0 -0.279 0.13 0.0209
0.1 96.0 -0.412 0.293 0.086
0.3 96.0 0.094 0.214 0.0173
0.5 96.0 0.102 0.293 0.0262
0.7 96.0 -0.032 0.205 0.0078
0.9 96.0 -0.546 0.329 0.1126
-0.9 120.0 0.31 0.345 0.0697
-0.7 120.0 0.464 0.24 0.0513
-0.5 120.0 -0.019 0.152 0.0063
-0.3 120.0 -0.091 0.16 0.0098
-0.1 120.0 0.09 0.141 0.0103
0.1 120.0 -0.068 0.164 0.0092
0.3 120.0 -0.106 0.205 0.0142
0.5 120.0 -0.297 0.214 0.0381
0.7 120.0 0.166 0.296 0.0323
0.9 120.0 -0.414 0.26 0.064
-0.9 144.0 -0.208 0.226 0.0288
-0.7 144.0 0.085 0.306 0.0151
-0.5 144.0 0.068 0.207 0.0085
-0.3 144.0 -0.285 0.159 0.0211
-0.1 144.0 0.155 0.152 0.0125
0.1 144.0 0.125 0.374 0.0376
0.3 144.0 -0.069 0.137 0.0056
0.5 144.0 0.107 0.158 0.0095
0.7 144.0 0.223 0.291 0.0383
0.9 144.0 -0.351 0.181 0.0285
-0.9 168.0 -0.483 0.266 0.0692
-0.7 168.0 0.086 0.194 0.0064
-0.5 168.0 0.157 0.224 0.0154
-0.3 168.0 0.145 0.163 0.0098
-0.1 168.0 -0.123 0.17 0.0094
0.1 168.0 0.042 0.195 0.0048
0.3 168.0 0.28 0.262 0.0368
0.5 168.0 0.584 0.259 0.0591
0.7 168.0 0.111 0.137 0.0061
0.9 168.0 0.092 0.195 0.0087