CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E40M8

Experiment: EG1
Year: 2000
Spokespersons: P. Stoler, V. Burkert, R. Minehart
Reaction: ep → π0p
Polarization: beam, target (longitudinal)
Quantity: Aet
Q2: 0.187 — 0.317 GeV2
W: 1.6 — 1.7 GeV
A. S. Biselli, V. D. Burkert, and CLAS Collaboration First measurement of target and double spin asymmetries for polarized e- polarized p → e p π0 in the nucleon resonance region above the Δ(1232) // PRC 78, 045204 (2008)

Slice: cos(θ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ, [deg] Aet uncertainty syst. uncert.
-0.5 -168.0 -0.269 0.432 0.0326
-0.3 -168.0 0.676 1.175 0.0747
-0.1 -168.0 0.238 1.259 0.0382
0.1 -168.0 0.61 0.472 0.0349
0.3 -168.0 0.223 0.707 0.0463
0.5 -168.0 1.483 0.915 0.1525
0.7 -168.0 1.08 0.727 0.2979
-0.5 -144.0 -0.041 0.363 0.009
-0.3 -144.0 1.63 1.471 0.3082
-0.1 -144.0 0.185 0.437 0.0181
0.1 -144.0 -0.079 0.511 0.0207
0.3 -144.0 -0.136 0.587 0.0308
0.5 -144.0 0.427 0.386 0.0454
0.7 -144.0 0.149 0.416 0.0278
-0.7 -120.0 -0.325 0.479 0.0434
-0.5 -120.0 -0.898 0.29 0.0611
-0.3 -120.0 -0.626 0.301 0.0504
-0.1 -120.0 -0.056 0.197 0.0037
0.1 -120.0 -0.128 0.307 0.0261
0.3 -120.0 0.521 0.346 0.0488
0.5 -120.0 0.49 0.486 0.0625
0.7 -120.0 0.196 0.314 0.0288
-0.9 -96.0 0.068 1.123 0.0449
-0.7 -96.0 -0.443 0.625 0.0417
-0.5 -96.0 -0.696 0.851 0.0801
-0.3 -96.0 -0.197 0.266 0.0153
-0.1 -96.0 0.099 0.231 0.0147
0.1 -96.0 -0.092 0.202 0.0072
0.3 -96.0 -0.049 0.252 0.0107
-0.9 -72.0 -0.381 0.377 0.0358
-0.7 -72.0 -0.722 0.357 0.0624
-0.5 -72.0 -0.559 0.365 0.0527
-0.3 -72.0 -0.442 0.326 0.0308
-0.1 -72.0 -0.251 0.232 0.0192
0.1 -72.0 -0.109 0.234 0.0222
0.3 -72.0 0.764 0.446 0.0899
-0.9 -48.0 -0.315 0.408 0.0764
-0.7 -48.0 -0.683 0.369 0.0704
-0.5 -48.0 -0.964 0.285 0.0739
-0.3 -48.0 -0.876 0.315 0.0711
-0.1 -48.0 -0.43 0.217 0.0259
0.1 -48.0 -0.377 0.27 0.0352
-0.9 -24.0 -0.597 0.672 0.063
-0.7 -24.0 -0.402 0.219 0.0243
-0.5 -24.0 -0.692 0.252 0.0497
-0.3 -24.0 -0.868 0.237 0.0546
-0.1 -24.0 -0.25 0.224 0.0169
-0.9 0.0 -1.49 1.037 0.1458
-0.7 0.0 -0.917 0.439 0.0814
-0.5 0.0 -0.73 0.43 0.0768
-0.3 0.0 -1.754 0.752 0.2713
-0.1 0.0 -0.396 0.248 0.03
-0.9 24.0 -0.177 0.417 0.0201
-0.7 24.0 -0.35 0.297 0.0335
-0.5 24.0 -0.608 0.356 0.0635
-0.3 24.0 -0.224 0.377 0.0252
-0.1 24.0 -0.645 0.305 0.0643
-0.9 48.0 -0.788 0.586 0.1232
-0.7 48.0 -0.836 0.194 0.0406
-0.5 48.0 -0.362 0.211 0.0267
-0.3 48.0 -1.038 0.296 0.0805
-0.1 48.0 -0.634 0.215 0.0417
0.1 48.0 -0.477 0.284 0.0438
-0.9 72.0 -0.619 0.438 0.0915
-0.7 72.0 -0.279 0.234 0.0194
-0.5 72.0 -0.645 0.51 0.0321
-0.3 72.0 -0.669 0.302 0.0484
-0.1 72.0 -0.471 0.207 0.021
0.1 72.0 -0.034 0.196 0.014
0.3 72.0 -0.21 0.282 0.021
-0.9 96.0 -0.546 0.359 0.046
-0.7 96.0 -0.25 0.245 0.0183
-0.5 96.0 0.01 0.318 0.0126
-0.1 96.0 -0.084 0.205 0.0132
0.1 96.0 0.088 0.23 0.0094
0.3 96.0 -0.012 1.026 0.127
-0.7 120.0 -0.694 0.262 0.0515
-0.5 120.0 -0.368 0.165 0.0157
-0.3 120.0 -0.281 0.194 0.0155
-0.1 120.0 0.094 0.175 0.0075
0.3 120.0 0.246 0.162 0.0195
0.5 120.0 0.0 0.216 0.0119
0.7 120.0 -0.425 0.495 0.1401
-0.5 144.0 0.065 0.654 0.0576
-0.3 144.0 0.195 0.296 0.0199
-0.1 144.0 0.331 0.336 0.0274
0.1 144.0 0.3 0.189 0.0171
0.3 144.0 0.746 0.386 0.0788
0.5 144.0 0.658 0.311 0.0641
0.7 144.0 0.855 1.363 0.2817
-0.5 168.0 0.025 0.291 0.0051
-0.3 168.0 0.128 0.5 0.0092
-0.1 168.0 0.035 0.2 0.0065
0.1 168.0 0.395 0.276 0.0299
0.3 168.0 0.647 0.21 0.0372
0.5 168.0 0.628 0.249 0.054
0.7 168.0 -0.437 0.381 0.0983