CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E41M10

Experiment: E99-107 CLAS experiment for generalized form factor near threshold
Year: 2005
Spokespersons: V. D. Burkert, R. Minehart
Reaction: ep → π+n
Polarization: beam
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
Q2: 3.79 — 4.52 GeV2
W: 1.12 — 1.14 GeV
ε: 0.88
K.Park, R.W.Gothe, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the generalized form factors near threshold via γ* p -> nπ+ at high Q2 // Phys. Rev. C 85, 035208 (2012); arXiv:1201.0903v1

Slice: cos(θ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ, [deg] dσ/dΩ, [μb/sr] uncertainty syst. uncert.
-0.7 90.0 0.014585 0.0060574 0.006057
-0.7 150.0 0.0090325 0.0056215 0.005621
-0.7 210.0 0.015927 0.0071599 0.00716
-0.7 270.0 0.026471 0.012042 0.01204
-0.5 90.0 0.04567 0.014807 0.01481
-0.5 150.0 0.054125 0.02252 0.02252
-0.5 210.0 0.025306 0.0092247 0.009225
-0.5 270.0 0.05109 0.013551 0.01355
-0.3 90.0 0.15443 0.048351 0.04835
-0.3 150.0 0.035367 0.01098 0.01098
-0.3 210.0 0.07245 0.022747 0.02275
-0.3 270.0 0.1495 0.04277 0.04277
-0.3 330.0 0.047647 0.014765 0.01477
-0.1 75.0 0.02602 0.0066558 0.03584
-0.1 105.0 0.04626 0.012366 0.02542
-0.1 135.0 0.055144 0.014777 0.03362
-0.1 165.0 0.049446 0.011221 0.02849
-0.1 195.0 0.03203 0.0083102 0.0001852
-0.1 225.0 0.024664 0.0065279 0.02921
-0.1 255.0 0.032546 0.0087767 0.00867
-0.1 285.0 0.038045 0.0096865 0.01692
0.1 15.0 0.096499 0.039925 0.03102
0.1 45.0 0.080222 0.034625 0.02138
0.1 75.0 0.034784 0.0099981 0.04038
0.1 105.0 0.060987 0.016153 0.05548
0.1 135.0 0.083714 0.019506 0.04394
0.1 165.0 0.019584 0.0047557 0.02678
0.1 195.0 0.066058 0.016552 0.0327
0.1 225.0 0.043664 0.0099998 0.0542
0.1 255.0 0.042252 0.011282 0.02369
0.1 285.0 0.12527 0.033526 0.03799
0.1 315.0 0.017726 0.0073868 0.04387
0.1 345.0 0.028631 0.013133 0.03357
0.3 75.0 0.064781 0.02007 0.05808
0.3 105.0 0.10199 0.024014 0.04134
0.3 135.0 0.097567 0.023129 0.05434
0.3 165.0 0.065156 0.014948 0.04596
0.3 195.0 0.15419 0.035779 0.01362
0.3 225.0 0.18603 0.046032 0.00152
0.3 255.0 0.053708 0.015138 0.005697
0.3 285.0 0.088994 0.027166 0.0254
0.3 315.0 0.026478 0.010207 0.0364
0.3 345.0 0.035738 0.012713 0.005915
0.5 15.0 0.093655 0.032871 0.05259
0.5 45.0 0.06269 0.024479 0.04424
0.5 75.0 0.078605 0.024059 0.05645
0.5 105.0 0.13923 0.036178 0.04064
0.5 135.0 0.074016 0.01912 0.03539
0.5 165.0 0.1079 0.026674 0.04067
0.5 195.0 0.23217 0.053725 0.08819
0.5 225.0 0.065806 0.016739 0.03967
0.5 255.0 0.10954 0.027101 0.06761
0.5 285.0 0.13627 0.037982 0.07115
0.5 315.0 0.11066 0.03828 0.04304
0.5 345.0 0.20572 0.075455 0.03211
0.7 15.0 0.043272 0.015709 0.04414
0.7 45.0 0.037768 0.011636 0.03208
0.7 75.0 0.08547 0.023045 0.02977
0.7 105.0 0.085114 0.021867 0.0406
0.7 135.0 0.14445 0.035626 0.0342
0.7 165.0 0.22013 0.051698 0.04273
0.7 195.0 0.07042 0.016936 0.035
0.7 225.0 0.063573 0.016299 0.04025
0.7 255.0 0.14286 0.037891 0.02071
0.7 285.0 0.11929 0.037786 0.05975
0.7 315.0 0.088178 0.032373 0.03739
0.7 345.0 0.057483 0.018637 0.03021
0.9 15.0 0.080721 0.023482 0.03834
0.9 45.0 0.13537 0.034957 0.0288
0.9 75.0 0.10399 0.026696 0.006916
0.9 105.0 0.11387 0.030794 0.05914
0.9 135.0 0.10539 0.029286 0.04235
0.9 165.0 0.10591 0.028032 0.02062
0.9 195.0 0.23644 0.062234 0.035
0.9 225.0 0.16205 0.041471 0.04427
0.9 255.0 0.10239 0.026967 0.05535
0.9 285.0 0.072332 0.022396 0.002976
0.9 315.0 0.06012 0.017855 0.03913
0.9 345.0 0.089694 0.02687 0.02214