CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E46M46

Experiment: N/A
Year: 0
Reaction: ep → ρ0 p
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dφ
Q2: 1.752 GeV2
x: 0.25
Ebeam: 5.754 GeV
S.A.Morrow, M.Guidal, M.Garcon, J.M.Laget, E.S.Smith, and CLAS Collaboration Exclusive ρ0 electroproduction on the proton at CLAS // Eur.Phys.J.A39,5-31(2009)

Measurement data
φ, [degree] dσ/dφ, [μb/rad] uncertainty
20.0 0.219507 0.111004
60.0 0.20615 0.076574
100.0 0.199094 0.105288
140.0 0.191406 0.074173
180.0 0.277697 0.101479
220.0 0.215707 0.081879
260.0 0.201066 0.111301
300.0 0.163778 0.097603
340.0 0.199174 0.075482